Chapter 8//Error's Problems

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(Error's POV)

He was fiddling with the clock again on the couch, it was habitual now and Error was trying to convince himself to stop however he couldn't, he liked to fiddle with objects. Error had tried to get his hands on knitting objects or something similiar but he hasn't found any suitable cloths yet, or well, fabrics. Error had been here a week? he could harshly estimate it was around that time anyways since he learned the numerals of time, Error found himself enjoying this peace it gradually made him even forget about the other multiverse occassionaly but Error found it impossible for that to happen entirely not when half of it focuses on how to either return or bring his cherished ones here. "Hey Error." Horror peeked into the room rather hestiantly as Error tilted his head in confusion "Do you need something?" Error could see that Horror was rather nervous "No...Not really." Horror in the end left the room with a stressed expression leaving Error clueless, this cycle repeated for the next few days.

Error roamed the halls and entered the living room finding it empty then checked the time, finding it of no known significance. Error then began to check rooms before he entered the dining room finding everybody there waiting boredly "Oh..This is where you all were." Error was surprised to see such a familiar setting as Horror came out with steaming food, it looked delicious however Error wasn't tempted in the slightest he even felt a bit dizzy looking at it this wasn't uncommon for him, Error had been literally starved of nutrients for eons to see such a large meal that looked delicious while also smelling absolutely divine, it was only natural for Error to instinctively reject or feel uncomfortable in the presence of this. The group had realised that Error had entered and waved then pointed at an empty seat nearby however they noticed his eyes trail onto the food that Horror brought out and scrunch his face openly, Horror did not feel offended but he was embarassed.

Eclipse however frowned his tendrils curling behind him slightly in concern for the other "Sit down Error." Eclipse patted the empty seat next to him while observing Error's reactions, it was an interesting yet saddening sight to behold especially for this spirit of negativity. Error shuffled to the seat with discomfort and looked away from the food feeling sick his mind setting itself on chocolate foods to calm himself but he made a low gurgle, his hand clenching his arm as he felt the world spin before he closed his eyes and senses focusing solely on the calming images on his mind however just because his senses were off did not mean he did not remember the sensation. Eclipse felt Error go through an array of negative emotions before he noticed the other beginning to tremble this made him frown as he poked Error wanting to grab his attention but that did not seem to have any effect, Eclipse finally realising something bad was happening went over to Error and picked him up before the shaking grew much worse "Boss?" Murder mumbled with confusion, they were too focused on eating before they finally noticed the trembling skeleton in Eclipses tendrils "I shall be taking my leave, eat well." Eclipse didn't specify but they could tell something was wrong with Error.

The room was quiet before a door creaked open, a pair of skeletons entering. Eclipse looked at the violently shaking and repulsed Error in his arms with visible concern "Error, can you hear me?" Eclipse wasn't sure if this was a panic attack or just a very bad physical repulsion of food, either way, Error wasn't responding to anything verbally or some physical nudging or poking. Error felt like something was blocking his nose and his throat was incredibly sore while his body tried to calm down, Error turned on his physical senses and felt something hugging him before his breath hitched and opened his eyes with slight fear and scrambled away swiftly, noticing that Eclipse was rather shocked before a frown entered the others face "Error." Eclipse had a harsh and reprimanding tone that Error hadn't heard much in his life other than Fate it made him feel rather uncomfortable.

Eclipse noticed the other had calmed down but he was still producing a lot of negativity especially when he darkened his voice, Eclipse didn't mean to scare Error but he was worried so he decided to soften his voice "Error..Are you alright now?" Eclipse asked his eyes of lilac beauty gleamed. Error relaxed after noticing the voice had toned down and registered Eclipse's question with confusion before realising that he must've zoned out again, Nightmare and the gang really hated it when he zoned out for some reason, although he couldn't really recall why they seemed so worried about it "I'm fine." Error replied his body felt rather heavy and sluggish it made him question if Eclipse's natural negativity substance over his body had paralysis effects. The room became quiet and Eclipse hummed "I was not aware that food gave you panic attacks, I apologise. Is this why you don't participate in dinners? or time for food in general?" He questioned with slight curiousity in his tone while Error blinked feeling confused, why was he apologising? panic attacks? he wasn't aware he had those, but the food question was easy "No, I just don't need it." Error was speaking rather truthfully, as a god he didn't really need nutrients that normal monsters or humans need.

Eclipse raised a brow with confusion "Don't need it?" he repeated tapping his finger on the floorboard as Error nodded in return "..I won't ask further if you feel unwilling to share, but you are my suborinate and we are your friends, you can tell us your ailments. We all have suffered in some type of way." Eclipse didn't tell entirely but Error could understand the underlying meaning of Eclipse's words, after a few minutes the rest came into the room with concerned expression "Error..You alright? you seemed rather shaken at the table." Cross asked hestiantly as he looked at Eclipse for verbal support "He's alright, or atleast that what he says." Eclipse spoke up for Error after noticing that Error had ignored Cross and was fiddling intently with his scarf. "Thats good," Murder pat his chest with relief as Horror frowned "Error..Do you have a eating problem?" Horror asked, his behaviour was similiar to his own when it came down to normal food, after all eating raw flesh or being a cannibal wasn't an easy thing to adjust while Error froze for a moment and hummed in thought.

Error wasn't unaware of what a repulsion to food was, but an eating problem was different, he did not have an eating problem not that he was aware of anyways. Nightmare always gave him special food to eat since Error just disliked any other type of food to the point of magical bile and vomit, however Error was unsure if that would count as a eating problem since it was just a repulsion or natural dislike he had. "Don't know." Error spotted a yarn ball at the corner of the room and his eyes visibly lit up as he dashed in that direction at his top speed which would be teleportation, Error held up the yarn ball with a judging gaze and threw it away after finding it of low quality, the group looked at Error with twitching sockets, did this serious topic mean nothing to him? at all? this attitude made the majority of them bitter with smiles.

After that the group made sure to subtly see what foods were acceptable to Error but found none, at this point the group was racking their brains to find a solution to this problem. Error was covered in blankets on the couch as he watched TV finding every channel boring, he was really upset Undernovela did not exist here, these savages, how did they live without watching such a divine show? Error found himself stumped on that question. Error heard a thud from the other side of the room as a shadow stumbled in drowsily "Error..? What are you doing up so late? Its nearly midnight." Killer asked rather tiredly and Error pat the cushion next to him with a calm and energised expression "Okay, Okay..I'll keep you company." Killer whined angerily getting onto the couch and getting next to Error but not close enough to be touching much to Error's happiness, Error watched TV before a third figure soon entered it was Eclipse "It seems your the only one refusing to sleep." he muttered with a huff grasping Killer in a tendril and dematerialising before appearing once more not long afterwards, Killer nowhere to be found presumably been put to rest in his room.

Eclipse sat down next to Error calmly and placed a cushion on his lap and dragged Error's head onto the cushion swiftly before letting go, Error flinched and his whole body went stiff however recongising the fabric underneath his head as a cushion he felt his body relax subconciously. "You should sleep, its not good for you to stay up so late." Eclipse released a type of magic into the room it wasn't of harmful intent but Error's body fought it off on pure instinct after all no matter how much Eclipse's magic resembled Nightmare's magic it was still ultimately foreign to Error, this magical rejection didn't go entirely unnoticed by Eclipse who narrowed his eyes before relaxing with a soft sigh of frustration "Don't fight it Error, the more you fight it the more you'll be exhausted later on." Eclipse tried to persaude the stubborn one on his lap speaking in a type of elderly tone unaware that Error was ultimately and surely considered his elder in age.

Error did not want to sleep, he didn't like the feeling of it however the sleeping magic in the room was very pleasant as Error felt himself nod off slightly "Stubborn aren't you?" Eclipse chuckled softly with amusement but made no movements before he noticed Error fall into calm rythmatic breaths, "Orion probably would've known whats up with you the moment he spotted you, always had a knack for it." Eclipse whispered softly with a tearful hum of sadness. Error woke up the next day still in Eclipse's lap and yawned tiredly this feeling annoyed him greatly, he hated this feeling it wasn't efficient for himself or the actions and goals he needed to pursue. "Awake?" Eclipse saw the other awake a moment ago while Error looked at Eclipse with a nod before getting up rubbing his sockets with irritation "Don't do that..." Error warned angerily, "Don't do what? Sleep?" Eclipse hummed it sounded like he was actively taunting him "Yes, I don't like it. Sleep, I mean." Error was unsure why his speech became so limited but he didn't care much at this moment.

"Can't promise you that." Eclipse answered before getting up his tendrils curling and stretching.


Thats all for this chapter, I hope you all enjoyed it so far!

Till next time readers!

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