Chapter 18//Only Memories Hold Him Close Now.

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(Era's POV)

Era jolted upwards as he grasped his skull, feeling a sudden throbbing headache and adrenaline run through him. "What the..?" He groaned quietly under his breath as he felt the throbbing pain in his skull begin to subside, only to then look around and see nothing but black void, faintly remembering the lure from his previous experience and nearly toppled over himself in a instinctual fright before quickly calming his shaky breaths into steady and calm ones. "Dad!" Gradient's voice suddenly called out causing Era to focus on the voice finding the surroundings change drastically from the black void he was in just moments before which caused Era to feel uneasy but he decided to focus on Gradient's voice and try to locate his eldest son.

"Gray?" Era called out with a soft yet concerned tone, not seeing Gradient anywhere around him only then to suddenly blink and the scenery changed again thoroughly confusing him. "Gray!?" Era then shouted out in concern only to pause as he saw a strangely familiar sight yet couldn't quite place where he could find any type of familiarity with it, a vast sea of stars quite unlike what Era had ever seen before with a beautiful crystal star tree with small firey leaves of warmth almost like every leaf was a boiling sun and the branches were merely rifts that connected them all like universes. Era walked up to the tree and placed his palm over it, slowly grazing over it's surprisingly soft texture, the tree seemed so familiar yet different at the same time almost as if it left an imprinted impression on him.

"I never imagined I would see your soft wounded soul here." A voice suddenly called out with a small surprised humming undertone of slight amusement, Era turned around and saw a large rather masculine human male figure but no defining facial features almost like a default character. "Who?" Era mumbled with soft confusion, he suddenly felt meek and exposed under the unidentified mans gaze "When Orion first pestered me about lending this place to you both..I didn't believe you deserved it, but seeing you right here, knowing the story your marrow and soul holds both past and future...I can accept it now." The man was cryptic and vague which annoyed Era slightly but for some reason he couldn't raise his head in front of the man almost like his soul recognised him as an important figure somehow, only then did Era recognise the name of 'Orion'. "Orion? You know Orion?" Era asked with some growing excitement "I suppose I do..A very cute little Spiritual Fairy he is." The man hummed softly under his breath, a low tune seemingly played while Era stood in the presence of the strange man.

"You however...I do not know, only by the words of others. Till now that is, I know you more than yourself at your current stage." The man gave a faint grin while giving a gentle laugh, almost bemused by the little fairy in front of him. "What?" Era was rendered speechless, he didn't know where he was but this situation definitely wasn't normal "By the time you probably even remember this memory..I have probably already been long 'transferred' from our timeline." The man spoke again "Wait Wait! Hold on!" Era tried to halt the mans words this entire scenerio confusing him greatly, "You seem like a gentle but used soul, Little Era..Both you and Luminous are pitiful entities, truly your Origin is both...Strange, but I suppose Little Fairies are often mischievous and mysterious in their own unique ways, Shame you don't even know a single thing about yourself due to this..Forced Outcome." The man spoke as he began to fade and Era felt his soul drop "Hey! Come back and answer me!" Era yelled at the figure angerily but he received no reply as he stood in the starry floating islands within the sky that bore resemblance to OuterTale yet didn't, it seemed far more intricate and knowing than OuterTale.

Era blankly stared at where the figure once was with a baffled expression, clenching his fists tightly as his wings behind shined a soft hue of red before returning to its normal transparency. "Who..Just who was that?" Era mumbled softly looking at his beautiful surroundings once more, something about this situation irked him, like he knew what was happening but he just couldn't find the memory to recall what was happening, this caused Era to shake his head gently "Forget it, I'll remember in due time. My only problem now is too-" Era gave a sharp gasp as he trembled violently, clutching his dark blue sweater with sweat forming on his skull. Era felt his eye lights focus sharply on minor details suddenly, he tried to cover his eyes but when he opened his hands again he found himself with light traces of light blue neon hues on his dusty fingertips, a familiar colour that he couldn't quite explain but felt his eyes strain once more as he dug his fingers in the ground hoping it could stop the throbbing pulses drumming through his body like a stampede.

Silence prevailed over the area as Era felt the throbbing softly grow dull, his body going weary and limp as he gave shallow but sharp breaths. "What the hell was that..?" Era cursed silently, trying to understand what exactly just happened to him, looking at his shaking hands that seemed more fragile than they had ever been before, his body felt sapped of energy and it made his anxiety peak into subtle but visible distress. Era shook his body looking around with anxiety noticing his surroundings had changed again only then seeing beautiful green eye lights gaze at him in a way that Era can only describe as lovingly, a term and feeling that he wasn't originally familiar with before slowly regaining his memories from what Era can only determine was his past in a sense.

Era felt his body shiver for a small moment, "Orion..?" Era unconsciously called towards the figure with the gentle, familiar beautiful green eyelights seeing them linger on his own for a mere second before moving away. He wanted to reach out towards what he thought was Orion before hearing himself echo through the surroundings, "My King~!" 'Era' cooed loudly out in the open as Orion looked over and saw 'Era' giving a gentle smile as he chuckled softly, "Hello my queen, how are you?" Orion questioned towards 'Era' lightly giving a meaningful pat on the ground besides him, 'Era' only gave a faint smile before going over and sitting next to Orion.

Era felt too strange, hot blue blush covering his cheeks as he pinched his nasal bone to make sure he wasn't seeing things, he wasn't a romantic person after all so seeing this scenery was flabbergasting to him. Era went over to listen but felt a red barrier viciously block him out, hearing Orion and 'Eras' conversation quickly fade behind the red barrier, Era had a tight knitted brow at this sudden discovery as he felt his marrow boil "Fate.." He muttered. Era was starting to stomp towards that barrier to give it a piece of his vicious new vocabulary but felt himself pause as the world shook, Era steadied his feet on the ground having a faint sense of rising anxiety again, only to see his vision starting to unfocus swiftly even though he tried straining his eye lights to focus he found himself zoning out before the world fell into deep darkness.

"Dad!" A nervous voice called out, Era tried to get up but his vision was dark and full of empty void, his body heavy like lead as he tried his best to get up but just couldn't. "Dad get up please!" The voice called out again with a loud choked sob, Era proceeded to try and speak to the voice which he recognised as Gradient but nothing came out, feeling off about the situation finally he decided to just sit and hear what happened around him since he can only see black void around him at the moment despite feeling the rough dirt texture behind him. "No! No! Get away from him!" Gradient suddenly protested with a voice of pure anxiety and creeping stress, "Stay away from my Dad, you! You!" Gradient seemed to be trying to defend him from something, Era felt his sons voice begin to fade as piercing pain shot through his soul as if being severed into two, he thrashed on the spot with new strength trying desperately to numb the throbbing sensation coursing through his bones.

"DAD!" Gradient cried out as Era's eyes shot open, gasping wildly for breath clutching around instinctively as he felt a hand grasp his in a supportive manner, "Oh Thank the Stars..You're finally awake Dad." Gradient mumbled in relief seeing his dad's eye open once more even though it was in a spike of painful anxiety. "Gray..?" Era called out hoarsely, noticing immediately how dry it sounded feeling his own body feel so brittle and fragile "What..What happened?" Era questioned softly, shakily rubbing his nasal bone as he looked at his eldest son. Gradient hesitated to answer for a moment before sighing "We were talking about stuff on April Fools, Eclipse was angry one of the spies in enemy line was caught and you startled talking about it being your fault then you suddenly collapsed a half an hour later. They don't know what happened, but PJ thinks your magic had a sudden violent surge due to some kind of external factors that are currently unknown right now." Gradient began to slowly explain with a small quiet time, seemingly unsure if he can talk loudly about this or not.


Eyyyyyy, Finally a new chapter! Isn't this exciting? New Lore!

Anyways, I'm going to start naming Chapters just for the fun of it and to give it more Lore purposes.

I hope you all enjoyed and please comment so I can get feedback, if you want if course but it's much appreciated if you can.

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