Chapter 15//The Chocolate Makers

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Please note that this Chapter is compensation and involves over 5 chapters worth of writing, lore, fluff, angst and story progression.

(Error's POV)

He lightly blinked awake before sneezing completely awakening him from his slumber as he looked around, only to find two familiar yet unfamiliar black skeletons looking at him with astounded facial expressions. "Dad your awake!" The child from earlier cried out with relief as Error winced slightly, his breaths laboured and haggard "Welcome back to reality, You were out for a while." A child he hadn't seen yet remember vaguely hearing before he passed out made a casual wave, Error looked at the duo for a second before placing more importance over his surroundings finding nothing but endless desolate dirt land not a speck of life but themselves anywhere. The older of the child with the floating chunked liquid made an awkward expression as if they had slightly expected a reaction or a response at the very least but being so blantantly ignored like that was discouraging, "Are you going to acknowledge our existences or..?" They spoke again before Error looked at the duo again with a blank yet studious gaze "Before you start talking actaully, I may remind you, here and now, that we are real and we are your children. Remember us or not." They spoke again with a hard gaze.

Error felt his words reel back and took in their words very carefully, children, his children? more importantly, somebody actaully was stupid enough to love him? the destroyer of worlds of all people? but then he found himself doubting the childrens words. How were they born? he would've remembered and they don't look too old and their magic inside their bodies seem way too young for him to not remember them, if they were older than what he could remember then he'd be convinced but they were clearly too young to be his, yet they were..He could feel it, a type of connection that tells him that they are his children. "Dad?" A voice brought him out of his thoughts again "I don't remember you..Your clearly too young to be mine, I would've definitely remembered, however you clearly are my children, I can feel it." Error felt himself slightly gape at his own openness towards the duo, finding it an unconscious reaction "We're only just over 50 years old! of course we're your kids but we've been kinda wandering here for however long since we woke up here for no apparent reason." The oldest looking child looked around with an uncomfortable gaze before setting back on Error.

"However since your suddenly amnesic..I'm Paperjam, or PJ if you want a shortened name, I'm the youngest of us two. My brother here is Gradient, the older of us two, you can just call him Grey if you want." PJ introduced as Error took in the names feeling immense familiarity and it bothered him, he had a sudden urge to chuckle for no reason and actaully willingly pull these two children towards him in a hug "We're here to meet you again Dad! or well, now trying to find a way out..Or back?" Gradient said with uncertainty with his arms crossed. Error didn't respond to them entirely yet but gazed around again this place was oddly similiar to the anti-void but it was just a desolate grey world with dark brown soil "We've got no idea how to get out, if we did we'd be out already..Maybe." PJ stated as Error nodded "Its like the second layer of the anti-void..Since it feels so similiar, it must have a first layer." Error assumed since they were his children, they knew of the anti-void so he didn't bother to explain.

Gradient and PJ looked at eachother in confusion "First Layer? Second Layer? I haven't heard you mention those terms for the anti-void before.." PJ was the braver of the two so he spoke first and Error paused as he got up looking at the duo, his bones and soul had finally stopped aching but there was a dull pang in his soul and he could gather enough of what he knows to know that this statement for some reason pained him. "I don't mention it often..Actaully I don't mention them at all," Error flexed his fingers trying to feel if there was any type of magic in the area but found little to none, the little magic he did feel had a type of pull not towards him but away from him however this was a good sign the pulling not towards him but another place meant that there was something else here needing magic to maintain itself. "Come on." Error began to walk in the direction of where he felt magic being pulled as PJ and Gradient followed growing uneasy "Something doesn't feel right.." Gradient stated as PJ paused "Can you..Perhaps sense it?" PJ asked hestiantly before the other shook his head, it didn't take long for Error to also feel uneasy from following the magic "Dad?" Gradient questioned softly "This isn't magic...Its a deity." Error didn't feel the abnormalities at all but as he examined the surroundings he didn't find it strange at all.

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