Chapter 3//Vague Memories

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(Nightmare's POV)

Nightmare had recently noticed that Error had been very busy to the point he won't even reply to his calls or magical signals, "Is Ink on a bloody creation spree right now? Do I have to dismember that asshole first in order to see Error?" Nightmare scowled while the gang played uno nearby listening to their bosses complaints they knew somewhat of Error's job and how infuriatingly busy it was but this was just too long. "Swap said that Ink hasn't touched his stuff lately because they managed to persuade him to take it easy and relax, so I don't think this has to do with Ink." Murder looked at Nightmare with a bored expression, Nightmare raised a brow feeling confused if Ink was actually taking a break and Error wasn't destroying then where was he? he wasn't answering any methods of communication.

"Error has been awfully quiet lately too, Ink's taking a break for once because Error hasn't literally destroyed in days other than one time but the AU was already too unstable to enter..According to Swap who was also there, Error's magic was absolutely berserk over there before he went clean off the map." Killer had no intention of hiding this information however he felt there was no need to spread it since Error would be back, however it seemed his original expectation was wrong. "Went berserk?" Nightmare felt rather alarmed at this information "Yeah, his magic according to Ink's account of words was 'His magic was incredibly unstable and went absolutely berserk it instantly destroyed the AU however it still continued to go berserk even after the AU crumbled,' after that Ink searched for an ounce of Error's magic anywhere afraid that it was some kind of really flashy diversion but Error kinda just, disappeared after that?" Killer placed down a green reverse as Horror groaned with annoyance however was quiet listening to what Killer was saying with a solemn expression.

Nightmare had a troubled expression "Do you think Error had a magic backlash?" Cross asked it wasn't uncommon for their magic to backlash on themselves for Error it was even expectant considering his weird glitching status that often made him rather mysterious and invincible. "That shouldn't be possible..." Nightmare muttered feeling slightly frustrated and worried "Not possible? Boss even you have backlashes, Error had to have some kind of backlash." Murder backed him up much to Cross's happiness while Nightmare frowned "Error can't have backlashes its impossible, literally..His magic is always unstable but it can't backlash against him." Nightmare didn't get the entire ins and out of Error's magic but he knew it wasn't possible for Error to ever have a magical backlash, Nightmare had talked with Error about this himself and Error clearly stated that Fate had made his body perfectly suitable for his magic unlike most skeletons who slowly adapt to the magic surrounding them and the innate magic at birth. Error's body was perfect and even a literal body of destructive magic made into a living vessel for a backlash to occur was simply impossible however Nightmare can't say this since it involves Fate, Nightmare couldn't help but feel anxious "We need to look for him, something is amiss..." Nightmare knew something was wrong his goopified bones told him so.

(Error's POV)

Error sat in the white infinite span of nothing just waiting, he wondered how many close calls the multiverse had now that he was being imprisoned. Probably a lot. Error was actually constantly thinking about something other than the white in a defensive measure to keep himself somewhat sane when he leaves again, the sickening emptiness of the second layer never scared him because it wasn't the first layer, the true anti-void. The second layer's corruption of anything that stays there is still possible however the first layer is almost instantaneous, the moment you lose your cool, your a goner, one of the victims of the lost.

Error at this point was trying methods of relaxation however it seemed ineffective. The surroundings suddenly went black, no they began to warp in confusing swirls and colours that one would associate with dark rainbows of murky liquids. Error sat up instantly his joints slightly sore from not moving in a rather long time, he looked around with vigilance it was expected to see Fate but instead a beautiful humanoid woman of gold appeared stepping through a golden stringed portal, transparent bubble like fairy wings behind her that constantly shifted and morphed like it had no true shape but was mainly consistent with the appearance of a fairys. The wings shimmered with a soft pastel yellow soft white speckles like gorgeous stars, her human shape would be considered a truely fatal appearance, a huge stunner, her eyes a golden orb with light blue boundaries her facial features had small amount of blue hue to the side of her face acting like a blush. Then, her beautiful sapphire swirls and lines coming from her eyes, exactly like him.

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