Chapter 11//Ink's Little Lover, Broomie.

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(Error's POV)

Error as he got more used to Eclipse and the others way of life, couldn't help but mull over his friends from before. Nightmare or more specifically the gang had been promoted from allies to friends in Error's social working solely due to Error dearly missing their obnoxious presence that loved to pester him, that reminded him. That box of wood and its items, after giving it some thoughts awhile ago it started to seem oddly familiar to him although he could never understand why, clearly this is his first time seeing the object but his soul tugged and yearned it even felt wilted and saddened, Error wasn't a complete stranger to these emotions anymore but he really couldn't understand why he found such importance and longing towards the item. Was it cursed by chance? its not like it hasn't happened before when Ink was testing out horrible and silly idea's to kill him.

Error as he fluttered his wings while watching the rest play Twister with Eclipse as the referee, suddenly jolted and stood up alarm evident on his face. "Error? You alright?" Murder asked with a muffle peaking at Error from underneath Cross who kept whacking Murder's face with his fluffy snow leopard tail, Error looked around for a moment trying to feel that familiar presence, "Error?" Killer asked also showing concern. "Im..Im okay." Error looked around again but the presence was gone, it was so strange, why had he felt that Nightmare was here? Error felt like he was missing Nightmare too much he had begun to have another one of his hallucinations again.

(Nightmare's POV)

"Omphf!" Nightmare collided face first into the ground holding a strange stone in his hand, "Where the..?" Nightmare grasped his head it felt really stuffy and nauseating such intense physical symptoms were uncommon for him. Nightmare wanted to use his tendrils to go help himself up but found his once blackened goopy bones, gone. "My bones..?" Nightmare couldn't understand for a moment, why did he look different? his bones before he transformed weren't this...Pristine? Enchanting? it wasn't easy to describe how exactly he felt at the moment, Nightmare shook his head not wanting to focus on this at the moment and instead on the stone he grabbed looking around for a moment he noticed it was too silent, where was the gang? they were right behind him when he grabbed the stone weren't they? no he was sure they were behind him but he was the only one transported.

Nightmare scowled silently before he felt like something struck through his skull fiercely making him squirm on the ground in pain, thats all there was, pain, constant horrible piercing pain, Nightmare thrashed on the ground wildly for hours before it finally exhausted him into collapsing. Nightmare woke up an unknown amount of time later getting up and flexed his palms "...Thats a lot to take in." Nightmare had a surge of familiar memories pop into his skull, memories as Orion, or at least one half of Orion. The soft breeze passing by jolted Nightmare awake from his numbing pain leaving him to gather a soft, tired smile, perhaps he could take one small nap...Just one.

(???'s POV)

He looked at the greyness of the world around him with a empty gaze, he had his positive emotions stolen from him before, purely by accident but this type of numbness was different. His world had stopped, completely. He wasn't sure what was wrong? everything was going so well, he almost managed to contact his mother again, his friends and family arrived and he was finally free so what went wrong? why did his world just stop? he really didn't know, he wanted answers that he possibly couldn't gain. There was no cool breeze, no hot or cold weather, just nothing but grey. At first he thought something was attacking the multiverse but steadily all the 'colour' was sucked clean from his world, his home, leaving only grey it disturbingly reminded him of Ink's condition but this wasn't Ink but a multiverse, full of people and colours.

The soft sounds of steps as he walked was the only thing that accompanied him now, strangely enough. People he knew rather closely were 'missing' he could feel they weren't dead, but just 'gone' from his range of detection. He didn't know why they were gone but they just were and it bothered him, why was everything being taken from him again? his mother wasn't responding to him, nor was Oriella or Nim. Just what was happening? He shuffled the originally red curtains to the side as he took in the grey landscape, deities he hoped this was just an awful trick of the mind, he really hoped it was.

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