○ Chapter 1 ○

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     It was an average night in the hotel.  The entities were off doing their own thing, as usual.  But it was oddly quiet.  There were no players, just the sound of the never ending rain pouring outside.  Most of the entities didn't care, and found it slightly annoying that there was nobody to kill, but a few, like Seek, Figure, Hide, and Eyes found it nice to finally have a break.  Perhaps, if they were lucky, it would stay quiet like this for the rest of the week.

     Seek was sitting in his room, listening to the sound of the rain, and reading a book that Figure had suggested.  It was silent until he heard a knock on his door.  He walked over to open it, and saw none other than Screech, who had most likely come to annoy him.

He sighed. "Hello, Screech.  What do you want this time?”

“Hi, Dad!  Are you busy right now?”  The boy replied.

“Well, I was reading, but I suppose not now.. Did you want to do anything?”

“Actually, Figure sent me here to ask you if you’d head to the library.  It says it needs you for something.”

     Seek thought about his dear friend, and sighed.  “Well, I suppose I’ll go see what it needs.  Don’t do anything stupid while I’m gone, kid.”

“Alright, Dad!  I’ll see you later!”

     And with that, the boy took off running, or floating in this case.  Seek decided to take the book he had with him, as he hoped that he could possibly read it to Figure.

      Occasionally they would do that whenever the two were hanging out, as a reward to Figure for being able to finish a chapter in the book that it was reading.  It was currently learning braille, so it wanted Seek to listen to how good it was doing.  Seek always enjoyed the time that he spent listening to Figure read, or even just speak for that matter.  Its voice was so gentle, so kind.  It made Seek feel all kinds of warm and fuzzy inside, but he didn’t know why.  Maybe it was just the fact that they had been friends for years, and Figure was the only one he fully trusted.  Or maybe, it was something more… Seek didn’t have time to think about any of this, he had to get to the library.

    There was a knock on the door, and Figure knew who it was.  It and Seek had created a special knock for each other, just so they could recognise if it was the other.  The door opened, and Figure smiled, hearing Seek’s steady heartbeat. 

“Seek!”  It pulled the smaller entity into a hug.

Seek chuckled. “Heh, hey, Figure.  Good to see you again.”

     The two stayed embraced for about a minute, before letting go of each other.  Seek could feel his face getting red, but knew that his friend couldn’t see it. 

“Your heartbeat sped up, are you alright?”

     Shit, Seek thought, I forgot he could do that.

“Y-yeah, I’m fine, Figure, just thinking about earlier.  I had a good time chasing the player before I came here.”

     Figure didn’t buy it.  It’s not very easy to lie to it.  It decided to just go along with what Seek said.  Besides, Seek would only lie to protect it, right?  The two decided to sit down and have a chat at one of the tables.

“So, Figure, how have things been going today?  Did any humans get by you?  Or did you kill them before they did?”  Seek started the conversation.

“Well, I did end up getting most of them, but one of them got out.” Figure “looked” down, seemingly disappointed in itself.

     Seek took notice in his disappointment.

“Hey, it’s alright! You can’t be perfect all of the time.  It’s okay to make a few slip ups every now and then.”

     Figure became a bit flustered, not expecting such nice words from its friend. It only makes sense that he would tell me something like that, but then why am I getting so warm inside? Whatever.

“O-oh, thanks, I guess.. Haha..”

“You alright? You’re stuttering..”

“I-I’m fine, just didn’t expect you to be so nice about it..”

“Well of course I would be nice, you’re one of my dearest friends, after all!”

     Friends.  That word hurt both of them.  Neither of them wanted to see the other as only a friend, but they weren’t sure what else to use.  All they knew is that it didn’t feel good to be called simply a friend.

Blinded Eyes - A Seek x Figure StoryWhere stories live. Discover now