○ Chapter 7 ○

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     As the last one did, this chapter will have some more angst.  However, this chapter will also have a bunch of fluff.


     As Seek sat beneath the floor, tears streaming down his face, he could hear footsteps, as well as the occasional call for his name.  No matter how many times those voices would sound, he wouldn’t come out of his little void.  He couldn’t.  If any of the entities saw him like this, well, who knows how they would react.  They’d probably laugh, and call him weak and pathetic.  It’s not like it hasn’t happened before.  It was simply a matter of time before he had to leave.

     As he thought, Seek’s mind wandered to the thought of Figure.  Maybe.. Maybe I should go see it.  I DID leave so quickly last time… Maybe it’ll understand how I feel, and comfort me..?  Or maybe it’ll act like the others..  There’s only one way to find out, I suppose.  And with that, Seek decided to leave.  Luckily, his void could lead just about anywhere, so that he could avoid having to walk out in the open.  He didn’t want any of the others to potentially see him.  As he traveled, thoughts continuously ran through his head.  There were still tears pricking his eye, but he wiped them away.  He thought that he should at least maintain some composure.

     It was a good thing that the crying stopped, because once Seek arrived, knocked on the door, and walked in, Eyes was already in the library, speaking with Figure about a book.  Luckily, Eyes was one of the entities that wasn’t very judgemental, and wouldn’t insult him.  Figure finished up the conversation it was having with Eyes, and handed them a book.  They waved at Seek, then left.  It was just the two now.  Figure immediately took notice of the silence, and that Seek was sniffling.

“Hey, Seek.  What’s the matter?”

     As soon as it spoke,  Seek broke down crying again.  Figure immediately ran to him, and wrapped its arms around him, allowing him to bury his face in its chest as he cried.  Figure rubbed Seek's back, comforting him.  It spoke soft and gentle to him.

"Hey, hey… It'll be alright, Seek..  You're alright…"

     The sounds of the sobs filled the library, softly echoing.  Seek attempted to calm himself down, unable to do so.  Listening to Figure's kind words only made him cry harder.  He didn't know why.

"Seek… What's wrong, hm?  Why are you crying?  Don't cry.."

     Figure sat on the ground, allowing Seek to sit in its lap.  He looked up at the entity, as it caressed his face and wiped away his tears.  He started to calm down.

"Are you alright now?  Can you tell me what's wrong?"

"I-I.. I've had a t-terrible day.."

"Awh, is that it?  What happened?"

"... Two of them escaped.  TWO of them!  They escaped, and it's all my fault!  Two people is too many people.  I should've killed them, damnit! I can't believe that I let this happen.."

     Seek felt like crying again at the mention.  The tears formed, and he let them fall.  Figure kept caressing him.

"Hey, listen.  I took care of them for you, alright?  And to be honest, it was really hard for me.  They were fast.  It's not your fault.  Remember what you told me?  Everyone makes mistakes sometimes.  It's just natural.  Now the day is over.  Your little mistake is in the past now.  It’s okay now.  You're with me.  You won't be bothered by anyone, I promise. Now just let it all out…"

     There was a silence, the only thing being heard were Seek's sniffling and gentle sobs.  The two sat there,
Seek still crying.  He had buried his face back into Figure's chest.  Figure held him close, and rested its head on top of his.  So warm.. I love you so much.. Seek thought to himself about Figure.  He was so in love with it.  He listened to Figure as it whispered sweet things into his ears.  He listened to its heart, beating ever so gently.  He could almost fall asleep.

     After sitting there for what seemed like hours, Seek climbed out of Figure's lap.  Figure stood up.

"I think I should probably get going again.  I know Screech wanted to play something once our job was done, so I promised him I would do just that."

"Alright, Seek.  I'm glad I could help you feel better.  Goodbye."

     Seek walked towards the doors, stopping just as he grabbed the handles.  He then turned around, and walked to Figure.  He did something he would've never done before.

     Seek leaned up, and gave Figure a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you so much, darling."

     As he walked out of the library, Figure was left standing there.  It put a hand up to the place where Seek kissed it, and gently ran its fingers over the spot.  A blush formed on its face.

"God, I love you, you idiot.."


     Finally, we've gotten to the good part!  I hope you enjoyed this chapter.  Also, let me know some more ways to emotionally torture Seek.  It's fun.  Maybe by the next chapter or so, these two will be making out LMAO.

Blinded Eyes - A Seek x Figure StoryWhere stories live. Discover now