○ Chapter 4 ○

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     Seek walked back to the main hangout spot that all the entities took their breaks in.  They each had their own room there, as well as a few tables and two sofas.  He walked to his designated room, grabbed a book, then left to go sit on one of the sofas and read.  As Seek was reading, Jack, Rush, and Eyes walked into the room.  Rush went to go speak with Ambush, and Eyes went to their room.  However, Jack started walking over to Seek, and Seek knew what was about to happen.

“Hey, Seek.”

“Hi, Jack.”

     Jack sat down next to the entity.  There was a moment of silence.

“So, Seek.  What was going on there in the library?”  Jack let out a small snicker.

“I, uh.. I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

     Seek knew that the other didn’t believe him.  This was going to be very embarrassing..

“Seek, you know EXACTLY what I’m talking about.  I saw you sleeping with Figure in the library.”

     The other entities who were in the room turned to the two on the sofa.  Rush was giggling like a child at the words, and Ambush was sighing at his brother.  Noticing this, Seek spoke.

“Okay, this isn’t what you’re thinking.  Figure and I would never do such a nasty thing!”

     Seek glared at Rush, knowing what he was giggling about.

“Sorry, I just needed to clarify that it wasn’t what Rush was thinking.  Anyways, we weren’t even doing anything.  From what I know, Figure realized that I had fallen asleep while we were reading, and it carried me over to the couch so I could be more comfortable.  I suppose it sat next to me and ended up falling asleep as well, so that kind of led to the situation we were in once you walked into the library.  We aren’t together or anything.”

     Jack eyed Seek suspiciously, only slightly believing the story.

“Alright, whatever you say, dude.  I’m heading out.”

     Jack walked out of the room into his own.  Seek was left sitting there, thinking about what he said.  If the others found out how he felt about Figure, they would probably laugh and make fun of him for it.  After all, none of the entities have ever gotten together, so this would be a first.  Seek just decided to continue reading, and just keep his mind off of the topic.

     That didn’t happen, however.  As Seek tried to concentrate on the book, pictures of Figure kept flashing in his mind.  He felt his cheeks heat up as he thought of it.  This wasn’t normal for entities, so Seek didn’t know exactly how to deal with it.  He had never envisioned Figure in his mind like this.  It was simple thoughts: hugs, kisses, anything.  Seek felt something in his chest.  It hurt, but it wasn’t any sort of physical pain.  He felt saddened by the thought that his chance would never come.  What was one even supposed to do in a situation like this?  He decided to simply go to his room and sleep on it.

     As Seek was dozing off, thoughts clouded his mind.  Why do I love it so much?  When would I even ask it to be my partner?  HOW would I ask it to be my partner?   A final thought ran through his mind, leaving him restless.

Blinded Eyes - A Seek x Figure StoryWhere stories live. Discover now