○ Chapter 10 ○

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     It was silent for a minute or two.  The hope that Seek had for Figure to say yes began to lessen each second.  As Seek worried, Figure simply sat there, processing.  Wait, he wants to be.. with me?  I.. I can’t believe it!  Seek actually loves me!  Come on, Figure, say yes!  Tell him how you feel!

“I-I… I don’t know..”

     You damn idiot!

“Huh..?  What do you mean?”

“I just.. I think I need a bit to process this.  I mean, it’s not every day you get a love confession from your best friend, right..?”

     Seek sat there in silence for a moment.  Thoughts swirled through his mind.  I suppose.. I suppose that makes sense..

"...Yeah, I get it.  Take your time."

     The two sat in silence for a long while, neither knowing what to say.  After a little bit, the rain began to pour much harder than before.  Seek decided to speak up again.

"It's raining pretty bad out here..  Would you like me to take you back to the library?"

".. That would be great, yes."

     It's seemed like only a minute before they were back at the library.  Both had been lost in thought.  Seek was worrying about Figure's response, and Figure was worried that Seek would think that it didn't like him like that.  Realizing that they had made it back to the library, Seek tapped on Figure's hand, and opened the door for the entity.

"Well, here we are, Figure."

"Thank you very much, Seek.  I really enjoyed  our time out there together."

     Figure walked into the library, about to close the door.

"Have a good night, Seek."

"You too."

     And with that, the door closed.  Seek began to head back to his corridor.  If one were to end up passing by him, they would hear him muttering to himself, wondering what he had done wrong.  Once he reached the long hallway, he sunk into the floor.

"God, what is wrong with me?  I should've known better." 

     Seek began to hit the floor repeatedly, before stopping himself.

".. I shouldn't be angry.  It's not like Figure said no..  It only said that it needed time to think.  But 9 times out of 10 that response leads to a 'no'.  I shouldn't have asked.  I should've just kept these feelings to myself.  I could live with it.  Maybe.."

     The silence became too loud.  Luckily, it was soon interrupted by the sound of a low hum.  Seek could hear jumbled whispers as well.  Eyes.

"Seek?  Are you here?"

"..Yeah, down here." 

     Seek rose up from the ground to greet the entity.

"Hello, Seek.  I just wanted to come check on you.  I saw you and Figure walking back from what looked to be the direction of the courtyard.  I tried to say hi, but the both of you seemed very.. distracted.  Is everything okay?  Did something happen?"

     Oh dear.  Was Seek really going to tell Eyes what happened? 

".. Everything's okay, don't worry about it."

"Are you sure?  It doesn't seem like it..."

     Seek let out a sigh, his heart beating faster.

"Well.. uhh.."

     He felt his body start to tremble slightly, out of nervousness.  He was still debating whether to tell Eyes, but ultimately decided that perhaps it would be good to get it off of his chest.

".. If I tell you this, do you promised not to tell any of the other entities?  I trust you, Eyes."

"Of course.  You understand that I'm not one to gossip."

     It was true.  Eyes was probably the most trustworthy entity in the hotel. 

"Okay.. You see, I may or may not have a.. tiny crush on Figure.."

     No words were spoken.  Eyes was quiet, so, wanting to break the awkward silence, Seek began to speak again.

"I know, I know.. entities dont.. 'fall in love' with each other..  But I genuinely do love it.  I'm just worried that the others will judge me, or us, for anything that happens..  It's frightening, to say the least."

"... I understand.  However, I will not judge.  I do not mind it, and am happy that you feel that way about Figure, and are willing to tell me about it.  But that doesn't explain why you looked so.. down earlier."

     Seek looked at Eyes.  He looked thankful.  He then took a deep breath and began to explain.

"Well.. I took Figure out to the courtyard, and asked it out..  I was hoping for a yes, but it said that it needed time to think.  I know, it's not the worst thing, but usually stuff like that will lead to a 'no'.. Which is why I'm so worried."

"Well, you shouldn't let that keep you down.  There's always a 50-50 chance.  You understand I hate to gossip, but I feel it's a good idea for now, so.. I must tell you, whenever I speak with Figure, it always ends up talking about you, in a very endearing way.  I believe you have more of a chance than you may think.  Take this into consideration."

     Seek sat there in shock, processing this new information.  Figure.. might actually like me?

".. Thank you so much, Eyes.. I-I can't believe this.."

"You're very welcome, Seek.  Now, I must be going, so come talk to me if you need anything.  Also, you should get some rest, it's starting to get late.  Don't think too much about what Figure might say, it will only make your sleep more restless.  Goodnight."

"I will, thank you so very much!  I'll see you tomorrow, Eyes." 

     Eyes faded out of the corridor, and Seek began to head to his room for the night.  He ignored most of the entities' calls for him as he walked into his room and shut the door.  He climbed into bed, falling asleep, hoping to get a good night's rest.


Hello everyone!  I'm finally back!  I'm sorry for taking so long, I just haven't had the motivation to write, and also haven't had the time, due to school starting back and band practice.  I'm sorry if this chapter was shorter than normal, but I had no idea what to write for it.  Hopefully I'll have the next chapter out pretty quickly this time!  Thank you all for being so patient.  I'll see you in the next chapter!

Blinded Eyes - A Seek x Figure StoryWhere stories live. Discover now