○ Chapter 2 ○

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     After a while of chatting, Figure decided to ask Seek a question.

“Hey, Seek?”

“Yes, Figure?”

“Uh, would you mind if I read to you again?  I’ve been wanting to do so for a while now, but haven’t been able to since you haven’t been coming here for a few days.”  The entity waited excitedly for a response.

“Oh, of course!  Honestly, I missed you reading to me.  One of the main reasons I came here was to listen to you read.  Other than seeing you again, of course, heh.  I enjoy hearing you get better and better at reading braille, as well!”  Seek mumbled under his breath, “And because I love hearing your sweet voice..”

“Yay!  Also, what was that last part you said..?”  Figure questioned its friend

“Oh, don’t worry about it.  Let’s just get to reading.”

     Figure got up to feel around the library, searching for the book that it and Seek had started reading about a week ago.  Once it found the book, as well as the same one in normal text, it brought the books back over to the table where Seek was. 

"Here you go, Seek."

"Thank you, Figure.  We left off on page 142 last time we read, I believe."

"Alright, thanks." Figure opened the book, and turned to that page.

     Before they began to read, there was a moment of silence.  Seek began to stutter.

"H-hey, Figure..?  Do you mind if I, uh.."

"Oh, yeah, of course.  Go ahead."

     Seek proceeded to climb from his chair into Figure's lap.  They would occasionally do this, as it would be easier for Seek, as he wanted to start learning braille as well, so he could reach over to the book easier.

     Seek felt his heartbeat speed up once again.  He's still not used to being so close to Figure.  It felt good, though.  His cheeks felt warm.

     Figure took notice of this, but it understood what was going on.  Being so close to its own friend felt weird, so it understood why Seek felt so flustered.

     To make matters worse, Figure placed its hand on top of Seek's, as to help guide him across the pages as they read.  Seek only felt his heartbeat grow faster, and his face redder. 

     Oh my fucking god, he thought, he's actually holding my hand..  Am I in love with him?  God, this can't be happening..

     The two sat together, reading for about 2 hours.  Figure would help guide Seek along the braille, and Seek would follow along in the other book, so he could know exactly what he was reading, and so he could help Figure out if it didn't know a word.  They both realized how good it felt to be with the other like this.

     After a while, Figure heard a gentle snoring.  It was Seek.  He had fallen asleep in its arms while they were reading.   Figure let out a small chuckle, closed the books, and picked up Seek to go let him rest on a couch.  Once they were over there, Figure placed Seek onto the couch, and left to go grab him a blanket.  Figure got settled next to him after placing the blanket over his body, and simply began to ponder, listening to every little noise Seek made.  All of a sudden, he moved over, resting his head on Figure's lap.  Figure flinched slightly, but calmed down after a minute.  It pulled him up to its chest, and caressed him gently as they both lay there, falling asleep.  As Figure was dozing off, it listened to Seek's gentle heartbeat.  It’s so calming it thought.  His heartbeat is so soothing..

     Figure gave Seek a gentle kiss on the top of his head, hoping that he wouldn't notice, and went to sleep.

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