○ Chapter 9 ○

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     There will be a little bit of angst in this chapter, as well as some comfort.  Please enjoy!

     Figure walked around the library, reorganizing things back to the way they were after some players had just about trashed the place.  They were clumsy and constantly knocking things over, making it easier for Figure to catch them.  As it worked, it was busy thinking about what had happened the other day.  Why would Seek.. kiss me?  Does he like me?  Or was it simply a friendly gesture?  I don't believe friends would do that..  Figure attempted to continue its work, trying to ignore that situation.  But it became harder and harder to do so.  It knew that Seek hadn't been acting normal, that he seemed a bit more timid around it.  That only raised its suspicion that Seek might've liked it.    Eventually, after getting all of the work done, Figure sat in a chair, and read, falling asleep soon after.

     Seek sat restless in his bed.  After he had kissed Figure a few days ago, he couldn't bring himself to visit it.  What if it hates me?  What if it never wants me to be around it ever again?  What have I done?  Thoughts drifted through his mind as Seek as he tried his best to sleep.  It had been a long day, and he was ready for slumber.  But it never came.  There were only the thoughts of what could happen between his friendship with Figure.  Eventually they started to become less, and Seek started dozing off, but a loud crash from the outside of his window caused him to jolt up.  Oh goddammit, not another thunderstorm.. 

     Seek had never been fond of thunderstorms.  The thunder was always too loud for him.   He knew it was pathetic, and he knew the others thought it was too.  He constantly made himself feel worse as well, thinking about how Figure probably feels, since its hearing is far more sensitive than his.  Tonight, the storm was most likely one of the worst ones in a long time.  Seek could hear the wind howling, the rain pounding harshly on the roof and against the window, as well as what seemed to be never-ending thunder.  It was just too overwhelming for him.  Wishing for it all to stop, he curled up under the blankets, sobbing harshly.  Seek knew it wouldn't make it go away, but it at least gave him a feeling of slight safety, as well as muffled some of the noise.  However, it didn't muffle as much of his crying as he wished.


     Shit.  Seek removed the blanket from his head, seeing Screech floating by the door with a worried expression.  He closed the door, getting closer to his father.

"God, Screech, I'm sorry.  You shouldn't have to see me like this.."

     More tears fell from his eye as he felt more vulnerable.  His own son, seeing him sobbing because of something so.. childish.  It only made him feel worse.

"Dad..  it's alright..  I know you hate storms.  I was just worried, I could hear you crying when I passed your room.  I was hoping that you weren't hurt."

     Screech lifted the blanket and crawled under it with his father, hugging him and nuzzling into his chest.  Seek pulled him closer, the tears starting to stop.

"...Thanks.. I love you, kid.  You're probably the best son I could've ever asked for.."

"Heheh, you're welcome, Dad.  It's gonna be fine.  I love you too."

     And with that, the two fell asleep.

     Seek woke up the next morning, noticing Screech still asleep.  He chuckled as he got up, squeezing the boy gently and leaving him to rest.   Seek walked out of his room and into his corridor, ignoring the "good morning"s of the other entities.  He sunk into the floor, and into his void, patiently waiting for the players to pass.  Today, he refused to let them get by.  As he waited, he had an idea.  What if I tried confessing today?  I could take Figure to the courtyard, and tell it how I really feel.  I think I'm ready to begin talking with it again, anyways, after the whole kiss thing happened.  Seek smiled to himself, his head perking up as he heard footsteps.   Today was gonna be another long day…

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