○ Chapter 8 ○

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     Hey, it's good to finally be posting another chapter!  This one will help give a bit of background on how Seek and Figure had met.  There will also be a bit of violence, but no gory descriptions.  Enjoy!

     As Seek left the library, he thought about his actions.  Jesus Christ, why would I EVER think to do something like that?  It probably doesn’t even feel the same, dammit.  That was stupid..  Seek walked through the hallways, eventually meeting up with Screech.

“Oh, hey, Dad!”

“Hey, kiddo!  How’re you doing?”

“I’m doing great!  I just challenged Timothy to a game of hide and seek, and I’m looking for him now!  Probably not the best idea, though, since he’s so tiny..”

     Screech hugged Seek tightly, glad to see his adoptive father again.

“Heh, well, you’d better get to finding him, huh?  There are so many places a small spider like Timothy could hide, so you should look quickly!  He might be moving around, you never know!”

“Yeah, I suppose you’re right.  I’ll see you later, so we can play that game you promised!  Bye, Dad!”

     Screech floated on down the hallway, looking through drawers as he went.  Seek continued his walk, not very sure where he was headed.  He continued to think about what he had done, and thought about how Figure might've felt about it.  Oh Jeez, what if it hates me now?  That means that it'll never be my partner, and probably won't want to be at least friends with me anymore, either.  What'll I do then?  Figure's the only one that I trust completely.  Seek ended up in his corridor.  He looked out the windows, into the seemingly endless dark.  As he stared, Seek thought about everything.  He thought about the things he and Figure had been through.  The pain, the comfort.  The good, and the bad.  He thought about when they had first met.


     Seek wandered into the library, looking for his friend.  It had been so long since they had seen each other, perhaps about a year.  He thought about when they had met for the first time as young children.  The two had become friends so quickly, and were always by each other's side for so many years.  But now, something had happened.  It was simply like Figure had… disappeared.  Seek didn't know where it was, and constantly though about it.  Luckily, he was able to talk with some of the newer entities, and even take in one of the youngest ones as his own.  Today, Seek wanted to explore the hotel.  There were so many places he had never gone, and had wanted to see it all.  While exploring, he hoped that he would find his old friend.

     There was a rustle from behind a bookshelf, and a low growl.  Seek was anxious.

"Hello?  Who's there?  Is that you, Figure…?"

     To his surprise, it was indeed Figure.  But something was wrong.  And sadly, Seek realized it too late.  All of a sudden, he was picked up and thrown harshly against a shelf.  He groaned in pain, and stared at the larger entity.  What the FUCK has gotten into it?! 

"God, Figure, what the HELL?!  CAN'T YOU TELL IT'S ME?!  IT'S SEEK, YOUR OLD FRIEND!"

     Figure had no clue what it was doing.  It couldn't tell the difference between its friend and an enemy.  It spoke no words, and only growled loudly.  It picked Seek up by the neck, and pinned him to the wall, squeezing his neck.  Seek couldn't breathe, and was desperately trying to gasp for air.  He was clawing at Figure's large hand in hopes that it would understand what was happening and let go. 

"Figure.. please.. it's me.."

     The faint pleas coming from Seek's mouth caused Figure to feel something.  It didn't know why, but it feels sympathy.  Its grip loosened, and Seek fell to the floor, gasping loudly for air.  Figure bent down, letting out small growls and trills.  Seek looked at what was once his friend.

"What… what happened to you..?  You were gone for so long, and now that I finally get to see you, you almost killed me.."

     Seek wasn't sure what happened, but he knew that something wasn't right.  That something, or someone, had caused this.  Figure only tilted its head and chirped in response.  It understood the words, but only slightly.  It couldn't speak, and was only able to faintly remember who Seek was. 

     Seek realized that he would have to start again from scratch, having to teach Figure how to speak and understand things, just like when the two were little.  The process would take a long time, but things would eventually be back to the way they were.

End of Flashback

     As the rain poured, Seek was snapped out of his thoughts by a voice.  It must've been an hour or two since he had gotten back to the corridor.

"Hi again, Dad!"

     It was Screech.  He must've finished playing with Timothy, Seek thought.

"I was hoping we could play that game you promised now.  Me and Timothy are all done playing hide and seek."

"Alright, alright.  What are we playing?"

     Screech told Seek what game, and he immediately ran off.  Seek sighed and chuckled, and began to chase after his son.


     Sorry that this chapter was another short one, but I wanted to get it over with.  Hopefully by the next chapter or so the two will get together.  I also wanted a bit more of an interaction between Screech and Seek, so this chapter sorta helped with that.   I hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you guys later!

Blinded Eyes - A Seek x Figure StoryWhere stories live. Discover now