○ Chapter 3 ○

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     Seek awoke in Figure's arms.  It was still asleep.  Seek opened his eye, seeing Figure’s chest in front of him.  It took him a moment to clear his head and realize where he was and what was happening, but the moment he did, he panicked.  It was a silent panic, as to not wake the larger entity, but he was freaking out.  Holy fuck, no way.  He’s actually cuddling me?!  Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!  Seek calmed himself down, and decided to leave before anything else happened.  However, that wasn’t going to happen.

     When he tried to get up, he didn’t move.  Figure’s arms were completely wrapped around him.  They were fairly loosely wrapped, but they would not move an inch.  Seek tried again.  This time, its arms pulled him closer, and tightly (but comfortably) stayed in place.  This caused Seek’s heartbeat to beat faster, which, surprisingly, didn’t affect Figure.   He looked up at the entity, listening to its gentle breathing.  God, it looks so cute like this..  Seek had realized what he just thought.  Wait, what am I thinking?  This is so wrong, I really shouldn't be thinking such thoughts about it.  But it feels so right..

     As Seek lay with Figure, he silently hoped that nobody interrupted the wonderful moment.  Not only would it wake the peacefully sleeping entity, but it would be quite embarrassing for Seek to be caught like this.  Right as he thought this, Seek heard a door open, as well as the shuffling of feet across the wooden floors.  Was it one of the entities?  Or was it a player?  Seek hoped it was the former.  He was correct.

     Jack, one of the quieter entities, had entered the library, coming to return a book he had borrowed.  He looked around for Figure, but didn't see it.

"Figure?  I've come to return a book, if you don't mind."

     There was no response.

"If you're currently in here, I'll just be leaving it here on the desk for you to put away later."

     Jack left the book on the desk, as he had previously stated.  He then proceeded to walk up the stairwell, as to leave through the next door.  He stopped when he noticed both Seek and Figure on a couch, with Seek being held close by Figure.  The entity chuckled, then proceeded to walk through the giant doors, muttering something to himself.

     Seek had pretended to be asleep the entire time, deciding that it would be less embarrassing than having looked at the other entity in the eyes while being cuddled.  What was Jack going to do?  Was he going to tell the others?  Seek decided against the thought, as Jack was more of the kind to keep things like this to himself.  Seek felt movement against his cold, inky body.

     Figure had awoken, as the sound of the doors closing had caused it to wake up.  It moved its hands, feeling the being that was huddled ever so close to it. 

"S-Seek..?  Is that you?"

     Seek gave a slight jolt as the soft voice spoke so close to him.

"Yeah, i-it's me."

     Figure sat up, unwrapping its arms which had prevented the smaller entity from leaving.  It felt its face heat up slightly, realizing that it had been put in quite the embarrassing situation.

"What happened?  Why was I… holding you like that..?"

"I-I'm not quite sure.  I woke up and realized that you were.. cuddling me.."

     The two sat in silence for a bit.  Both had missed the embrace with the other, but didn't want to make them feel uncomfortable.  Neither had anything to say.  Figure noticed Seek’s increased heart rate, but focused more on attempting to control its own heartbeat, which was beating rapidly due to the circumstances.

     Seek remembered something.

"Hey, um, I believe Jack came in earlier while you were still asleep.  He said that he left a book on the desk, since he had finished it."

"I see, thanks for letting me know."

"No problem.  I should probably be heading out now, so I suppose I'll see you tomorrow."

"Alright, I hope to see you soon, Seek."

     Seek proceeded to walk towards the golden doors, when Figure stopped him for a moment.

"Oh, by the way, Seek, I'm sorry about what.. what happened.  I didn't meant to.. to.."

"Oh, no worries, Figure!  I know it was unintentional.  I'm just surprised you didn't wake up sooner than you did, haha.  I didn't mind it one bit."

     Seek internally facepalmed.  Fuck, why did I say that?!  His face grew hotter by the moment.

"Alright, well, I suppose I shouldn't keep you waiting any longer.  Have a great rest of your day, Seek."

"Bye, Figure."

     Seek closed the doors behind him.

"I love you.."

Blinded Eyes - A Seek x Figure StoryWhere stories live. Discover now