○ Chapter 6 ○

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     There will be slight mentions of the last chapter here.  This chapter will also have a bit of angst towards the end.  Enjoy!


     Seek woke up cold.  He opened his eye to see that all of his covers were messed up.  I must’ve moved around a lot while I was asleep.  He got out of bed and walked into the living quarters.  Screech and Timothy were chatting whilst they were eating at one of the tables.  Ambush was waiting on their brother to wake up.  As they noticed Seek, they shot him an “I know what you did” look.  Seek only looked back in confusion, as well as worry.  Eyes was quietly reading at one of the corner tables.  There was no sign of anyone else.  As he walked through the room, he thought about what had happened the other night.  A blush spread across his face.  Why did I do that?  What's wrong with me?

     Seek walked out of the room, and began the journey to his corridor.  The hangout spot was just after Door 50, which would allow him to meet up with Figure for a bit.  The entity knocked on the double doors leading to the library, then was let in by the taller one.

"Hello, Seek!  How is your morning so far?"

     Figure wrapped Seek into a hug.

"Eh, it's alright I guess.  I'm still pretty tired.  Glad to see you, though."

     The two broke the embrace.

"Yeah, and I'm glad to hear you, haha.  My morning has been as usual: putting books away, tidying up chairs, resetting the lock, y'know, normal stuff."

     The two sat in silence.  There wasn't much to speak about at the moment.  Seek's mind was full of unspeakable things.  The events that took place once he left the library the other day.  He wanted to tell Figure all about it, to let it know how much he loved it, but he couldn't.  It would think he was disgusting.  Figure broke the silence.

"Hey, Seek?  Is everything okay?  You're very quiet.  Is something the matter?"

     Seek broke out of his thoughts.

"O-oh, sorry.  I'm fine, don't worry.  Just thinking a little bit."

"Oh?  What were you thinking about, if you don't mind me asking?"

     Seek's heart sped up.

"Uh.. Well, y'know how Jack had came in yesterday to return that book?  He saw us on the couch, and asked me about it once he saw me again."

"Well?  What did you say?"

"I told him that what happened was unintentional.  Or at least, I hope it was unintentional.."

     Seek was lying through his teeth on that last bit.  Figure could tell.  There was another silence.

"W-well, sorry to cut our chat short, but I gotta go.  Bye, Figure!"

     Seek began to walk to his corridor.

"Wait, Seek!"

     But it was too late, Seek had already ran out the door.  Figure was left standing there, wondering if its friend had caught feelings for it as well.  It simply began its wait for the humans, as per usual.

     The silence of the corridor, the pounding of rain.  The shuffling of feet, and the talking of a group of people.  These were the sounds that Seek heard, as he waited below the floorboards.  Waiting for them to reach the end. There were four.  No more.  No less.  Yet.  The gasps of the people.  The scream of a woman.  The voice of a man, yelling "Run, as fast as you can!"  The stomping of their feet across the carpet.  The loud pounding of Seek's as he chased.  Crawling, running.  It was always the same.  The sound of a body hitting the floor.  The sight of crimson blood spilling.  One.  The screaming of another, calling for their friend, only to be cut short.  Two.  Two left.  Two males.  The sound of a shriek, as a slimy hand brushed against fabric.  The slamming of a door.

     They escaped.  Two of them.  TWO of them.  Too many.  Seek dropped to the floor.  Pain filled his chest.  He hated it when he let one escape from his grasp.  But now it was two.  It felt even worse.  One of them was right within his reach, but he let it slip.  How stupid could he be?  What caused this?  Did he stumble?  Did he get stuck?  Were they simply faster than him?  Seek was able to travel at inhuman speed, but with the distance put in between him and the human, it was easy to stay out of reach.  As the rooms reset, just as they always did, sobs could be heard echoing throughout.  Seek punched at the door, full of rage.  Rage towards the humans, and rage towards himself.  The punching died down.  A deep red substance dripped onto the floor.  Seek walked back to his starting point, crying.  Crying from the pain.  Crying from his stupidity.  His weakness.  His hatred.  Luckily, bandages were found within a drawer.  He plucked out any small splinters, and wrapped them around his hand, securely around his bloodied knuckles.  Tears were wiped, and Seek began to sink back into the ground, into his little void where he waited.  The sobs began again.  No more humans walked through, which left him alone with his thoughts.  They had either been killed, or had not been stupid enough to even go to the damned hotel.

     Few entities walked through the corridor.  Screech, Ambush, Timothy, and Jack.  One entity would walk into the room to check up on Seek, and another would do the same after about an hour.  But there was no response to their voices.  The only thing that could be heard was a faint crying from beneath the floor.


     Sorry for the late update!  I've been sick all week and haven't been feeling like working on this.  This chapter felt a little short as well, as it's getting harder for me to think of ideas.  Hopefully my writer's block will be gone soon!  I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you in the next!

Blinded Eyes - A Seek x Figure StoryWhere stories live. Discover now