1. Even in death he's a still on crack

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"Two years, I've been working towards this, and on the last day, blondie has me doubting the whole thing. We'll leave it up to fate then, shall we, Wolfy? A duel to the death. May the best man win. I cut him down, and that's that. Back to our regularly scheduled international incident. But if he beats me... if I die here... the lock on my blade will disable after a couple hours. What happens after that... is up to you, Wolfy."

"Raiden, the reason you're cringe isn't because you ain't based, but because you ain't ballin on that RGB vibrator blade, just this once I'll lend you my setup so you know what it's like to be a true gamer."

Memories passed through Samuel Rodrigues' head as he fell to the ground, the world turned black, Sam didn't feel any pain, regret or fear, he new that he went out like a real-gamer (yes I'm writing this unironically), and he can only hope that Jack will successfully pull off whatever the ripper thinks is right in his mind. 

Now, that his mission was fulfilled, Sam's mind is truly at peace, whatever happens after this, let them be, wind blows, the rain falls, things will go on, just as how it should be.

It was only at the brink of death did Sam achieve the peak of his 'Sword-Heart', his inner peace, a state so calm and stable that if he were to pick up a sword in such a state he would be invincible. But alas, this breakthrough of his psyche was rendered useless by his dying body.

'I have left everything behind, I am now truly free.' 

Were Sam's final thoughts.


Sam opened his eyes once more and instantly saw neon lights and skyscrapers shooting into the sky, rain poured from above, airborne vehicles streamed across the air and shone a bright light on him, the scene felt so surreal and yet so familiar to him. He turned his eyes to the ground and saw police cars that read 'NCPD' with police officers behind them, pointing their gun at Sam.

In the both close and far distances were sounds of sirens, explosions, gunfires, crashes, and screams. 

Sam raised an eyebrow.

"Oi, punk, this is your final warning, drop your weapon and put your hands behind your head, or we'll open fire!'

Said an officer, whose body was heavily replaced by metal.

Things started coming together for Sam, the hostile police with cybernetic enhancements, rain, a city rampant with chaos, he felt like he was in Raiden's shoes, now he just needs a monsoon to pop up somewhere.

Sam turned to the police officer, and smiled a big, warm healthy smile, flashing his dazzling white teeth and gleaming eyes.

"I'm sorry officer, this is a nice city you got here, what a shame it is that I'm gonna have to defund its entire police system.'

Jetstream Sam, Night City LegendWhere stories live. Discover now