A/N: I got this idea to make Samurai an organisation that still exists after Johnny Silverhand, an organization that is still rebelling against the corporations in 2075, I wanna make them really badass Akatsuki style but that might be bad for plot, it's either characters for plot or plot for characters, so I'm still hesitant on weather I should take this opportunity to introduce other mgr characters like Bladewolf, MonSUS, SuSdowner and/or Raiden with Biden into this goofy-ahh fanfic. Of course, with Samurai's addition to the plot, the timeline will have to be changed up, V and Jackie (Jackie won't die this time) are already established mercs in the Afterlife Bar who are going to join Samurai as the plot goes on, Rogue is already involved with Samurai and already knows V and Jackie. Yorinobu is still in Steel Dragons. Smasher is Hanako's bodyguard in this fic, not Yorinobu's. Saburo also arrived in Night City early, and Relics are introduced early.
I should mention that this timeline is in no way similar to the original cyberpunk 2077 storyline, do not consider this fanfic an accurate depiction of the 2077 game or the anime edgerunners, do not consider any characters in the fanfic to be exactly the same as in the game or anime. I changed up everything so that I can make Arasaka crumble.
Watson District, Afterlife Bar.
"You heard? Samurai conducted a terrorist attack in the coastal area, Saburo Arasaka just arrived in night city this week, only to find that Samurai killed their executive Tanaka from Arasaka and leaked lots of Corporate information."
"Yea, big talk recently about the relic biochip that Arasaka produced, all the edgerunners are planning to make a move on it, they say that it can grant immortality."
"Arasaka's in hot fuckin waters now, especially with this new Samurai member that popped outta nowhere, really gave NCPD a head-on disaster, even Maxtac was destroyed by him."
"That's outdated info by now Jackie, that new guy is not affiliated with Samurai, he just popped up outta nowhere so goddamn close to the scene with his weapon the NCPD just assumed that he was with Samurai, turns out this man's a solo. Rogue told me that this mission might not've gone so smoothly if this fuckin unit wasn't involved."
"Dios! A solo who takes down Maxtac like they're dead fish? You reckon Samurai's gonna make a move on him, get him to join forces?"
"I definitely see the opportunity, if he does show up, we'll soon have a new legend in Night-City."
"Say V my amigo, why don't we also join Samurai, make an even bigger name for ourselves?"
"Not a smart fuckin move Jackie, now that the existence Samurai is basically exposed to Arasaka after the attack, hell knows how they're gonna target Samurai after this, maybe even pull it up from the roots, we gotta observe the situation here, can't go rushin into these big incidents like these just because you like the vibe Jackie."
"What about Rogue uhh? She's worked with us, if they do find out about her affiliation with Samurai what's gonna stop them from finding out her affiliation with us, we're already involved with this, with Rogue, I say we might as well get involved all the way."
"You're smarter than I thought."
"Pollas en vinagre! V, you take me for a fool?!"
"Miss Rogue Amendiares, what a fine evening that we meet in."
The man had a japanese accent, his pace was steady, his gaze was menacing, and symbol on his clothes showed only one thing.
"Steel Dragons, you're...Yorinobu Arasaka?!"
"No need to be shocked miss Amerndiares, Samurai and Steel Dragons do not have any pre-existing drama, in fact, starting from today, we can become close friends to each other, for we have so much in common."
"So they're not lying when they say the bastard child cut his ties from Arasaka then."
Replied Rogue.
"Why exactly, this is why we Steel Dragons and Samurai can have a future together."
Yorinobu did not demonstrate any offense by Rogue's sharp remarks.
"Alright Mr. Arasaka, what're you after?"
Rogue went straight for the point.
"Don't call me by my last name,' said the bastard son before continuing with his grand vision 'once I thought Arasaka cannot be destroyed, but after I witness the actions of Samurai today, I have once again gained hope. Samurai has talent, your people have the bravery of Johnny Silverhand, the brains of, well, you miss Rogue, and the brawn which rivals that of Adam Smasher."
Rogue began tapping her fingers impatiently.
"With both the resources of Steel Dragons and Samurai, Miss Amendiares, I want to conduct another attack, this time I will shake Arasaka to its core, this time, I will kill Saburo Arasaka, my father, and end his century long reign to his sinful dynasty."
Rogue stopped her fidgeting.
"You want to kill the emperor of Arasaka? Due all respect Mr. Yorinobu, how do we know that you sincerely want to work with us and don't just want to become the next emperor of Arasaka?"
"I will become the next emperor, but with this new authority, I will tear Arasaka up from the roots, I will fracture his dynasty and fragment his company back into many small corporations, de-centralize it, burn its bridges, and watch it collapse."
The expression Yorinobu Arasaka's face was ferocious, veins bulge on his forehead as he orated his grand plan. This shook Rogue, she was tempted to agree with his plan.
"One condition."
Rogue finally made her decision.
"What is it?"
"We kill Adam Smasher, he killed Johnny."
"Of course, that can be arranged, Miss Amiendiares, but first, I want to know about that soldier of yours who took down Maxtac."
A/N: Exposition Dumping - Afterlife Bar
The Afterlife is the name of a club in Night City , known throughout the decades for its solo and merc clientele. The Afterlife was and still is owned by Rogue, who managed to become the biggest fixer in Night City.
It is said that Dead Legends in Night City all get a special Cocktail created and named after them in the Afterlife Bar.
Exposition Dumping - Samurai
Samurai is a legendary chrome-rock band featured throughout the cyberpunk series, founded by Johnny Silverhand for whom music was a way to rebel against the corporations. Samurai quickly evolved into a terrorist organisation under Silverhand and started from minor feats such as riots and marches and climaxed when they pulled off their world famous terrorist attack, nuking the Arasaka tower in August, 20, 2023.
Samurai was thought to have disbanded afterwards, however, in this fanfic with the help of Rogue and other former band members, Samurai commenced operation in the shadows once more, this time they would strike even harder.
Rogue did work with Smasher in the past, but I think Rogue would still gladly kill Smasher if given the chance.
Jetstream Sam, Night City Legend
Action(Also known as MGRR Night City DLC) This is just an idea I want to initiate, I don't know how much attention I will be putting into this, just like all of my other half-ass fanfics. Sam is not an insert, he is the Jetstream Sam from MGR, th...