Arasaka Tower, Corpo Plaza
The Relic biochip has various uses, such as uploading your consciousness into the chip. Allowing the user to effectively switch bodies and avoid the inevitable.
It could also perform computer analysis of recorded combat data also allows the equiper of the Biochip to mimic the style of the opponent and even copy his/her memetics. ( I invented this feature for plot)
So when Goro Takemura was presented with such valuable treasure by none other than his boss the Emperor, Saburo Arasaka, he was naturally shocked to his core.
"You have served me well over the years," claimed Saburo, "It is ripe time for you to be ultimately rewarded."
"Lenaga*-sama, this...this is too much for your humble servant."
Takemura was deeply touched by the Emperor's generosity, the relic Biochip was more than its cost of production, each had its own signature, its own life, it is a key to immortality and invincibility, it was a 'Relic' indeed.
"Humble yourself not Takemura, after all these years in Night City, we and Arasaka have undergone countless trauma and burdens, today is no different. I present this treasure to you today because I trust that you can help Arasaka to survive and rise even higher into the clouds."
Saburo declared, there was such a determination in his voice that Takamura almost flashbacked to the days of the 4th Corporate War, where he had last seen Saburo so determined.
"We're in the light, while Samurai is in the dark, we cannot see Samurai, but they can see us, this is our biggest disadvantage, they are like venomous snakes, lurking in the shadows."
Saburo continued before Takemura could summon his words of gratitude.
"We can only play to their game, if they want to attack, then we shall be prepared, Takemura, will you lend me your heart (figuratively), and protect Arasaka with your life?"
Saburo stared at Takemura as he utter his ultimate inquisition.
"Of...of course, Lenaga-sama, I will give everything to Arasaka, I will ensure that no harm is inflicted upon your legacy."
Mega-Building H4, Santo Domingo
Gloria and Sam were having a moment together, sitting on sofa, watching TV.
"Gloria, your man has got himself a huge gig."
"Sam, I thought you were retired," Gloria's face was visibly worried, "I thought you won't be putting yourself in danger anymore."
"Don't worry Gloria, I'm going to learn about the details today, I'm going to be bodyguarding some important person (this was a lie), this single gig can set us up for life Gloria, you won't be having so much trouble paying for David's Academy anymore. (although the Academy might be literally defunded after the gig)
"Sam, I don't need your money."
Gloria was touched, but her pride dismissed Sam's offer for help.
"Gloria, querida (Sam's Brazilian, querida means sweetie in portuguese), we're family, my money is your money."
Sam tried the family card.
"Sam, you are family, but this, this is too much."
Gloria was still hesitant.
"It's okay Gloria, we mercs don't know how cherish our money, we get it way too fast and spend it even faster, having a responsible woman to take care of my money can is something I didn't dare even ask for before I met you, I'm spending my money on something and someone meaningful, isn't that's way more fulfilling to me than wasting them on drinking and gambling?"
Gloria hugged him.
'How long has it been?'
Thought Sam.
How long has it been since he last felt he belonged somewhere.
Sam began laughing, the laugh was happy and healthy, it was the laugh of a man who felt alive, the laugh of a man who felt something genuine.
It was not long before Gloria began chuckling along with him, the two enjoyed their happiness together that morning, it was the first morning that Sam truly merged into this world, merged into Night City.
That morning the Minuano finally found what he's been looking for, a place where he can be without remorse, a place where he is truly connected.
*Lenaga= Family elder in japanese
Jetstream Sam, Night City Legend
Action(Also known as MGRR Night City DLC) This is just an idea I want to initiate, I don't know how much attention I will be putting into this, just like all of my other half-ass fanfics. Sam is not an insert, he is the Jetstream Sam from MGR, th...