16. Oasis Onslaught

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Badlands, Oregon Battlefields:

The afternoon sun cast a harsh glare over the sandy plains of the Badlands. In the distance, a patch of green - an oasis - stood as the only respite from the barren landscape. A group of figures huddled around the oasis, trapped in a stand-off against an onslaught of Free States forces.

"Johnny, you got a count?" asked Vincent 'V' Bakkers, his voice strained under the intensity of the situation.

Johnny, a holographic AI, floated above the oasis, assessing the situation. His digital eyes flitted back and forth, analyzing the incoming forces. "At least a couple dozen, V. Maybe more behind the dunes."

Jackie Welles, V's right-hand man, let out a low whistle, gripping his rifle tighter. "You sure we can't just talk our way out of this?"

V offered a grim smile. "This isn't Night City, amigo. It's shoot first, ask questions never out here."

Just then, the silence of the desert was broken by the distant hum of an approaching motorcade. The Free States forces were closing in, their silhouette growing larger against the setting sun.

"Positions!" V barked, each member of the 7th mercenary scout platoon taking cover behind the weathered rocks and sparse vegetation of the oasis. Their faces were streaked with dirt and sweat, their bodies weary but ready for the fight to come.

The first bullets whizzed by, kicking up sand and chipping away at their cover. V and Jackie returned fire, their weapons barking angrily against the roar of the approaching engines.

A Free States soldier attempted to flank them, dashing towards a cluster of palm trees. V moved with surprising speed, his Militech submachine gun spitting death. The soldier collapsed in the sand, red blossoming around him.

The battle grew more intense as the Free States forces drew nearer. Bullets and missiles turned the peaceful oasis into a warzone. Through the smoke and chaos, V, Jackie, and their platoon held their ground.

Johnny provided invaluable support, his AI-enhanced perception picking out incoming threats and directing fire. "Watch your six, V!" he shouted, as another wave of attackers crept up from behind.

A soldier came charging at Jackie, cybernetics whirring. Jackie reacted swiftly, driving his blade into the enemy's chest. He was a whirlwind of raw power and ruthless efficiency, his every move painting a brutal ballet of violence.

Everywhere was the sound of gunfire, of bodies falling, of desperate shouts and pained grunts. Yet amidst the chaos, there was a kind of rhythm, a deadly dance that V and Jackie knew all too well.

Yet, for all their defiance, the Free States forces kept coming, their numbers overwhelming. V could see his platoon faltering, their strength dwindling under the relentless assault.

"Jackie," V called over the dune, "We need to fall back!"

But Jackie was engaged in a ferocious melee, the odds stacking against him. There was a sudden, sharp cry, and Jackie staggered, a dark stain spreading across his side.

"Jackie!" V cried, fear gripping his heart.

Their chances were dwindling fast. Yet, as the dust settled and the enemy drew closer, V could only think of one thing. They were soldiers. They were mercenaries. They were Night City legends. And they wouldn't go down without a fight. This was just the beginning.

Dust particles floated through the still air, as though they had no purpose but to be gently carried on the wind. The tranquility was once again shattered by the resounding echo of gunfire. As V ducked behind a makeshift cover of the palm tree, he saw Jackie stumble, clutching his side.

"Jackie!" he yelled, but the sounds of the battle swallowed his cry. The Free States forces pressed their advantage, sending a storm of bullets their way.

"Johnny!" V shouted, the adrenaline pounding through his veins. "Need an escape route!"

"Copy that," Johnny's holographic form blinked into existence next to him, eyes glowing as he scanned the surrounding terrain.

V turned his attention back to the advancing forces. His Sandevistan kicked in, time dilating as if he was watching the world through a slow-motion filter. He unleashed a volley of shots, each bullet finding its mark, creating a path through the enemy lines.

Making his way to Jackie, V felt the weight of their situation. Jackie was trying to stand, wincing at the pain. "Mierda," Jackie grumbled. "Couldn't you have been a bit faster, hermano?"

"Quit complaining," V shot back, though his voice lacked any real heat. Helping Jackie up, he looked over to Johnny who had a route ready.

"Clear path to the west. Let's move," Johnny said, his hologram flickering with urgency.

V nodded, slinging Jackie's arm over his shoulder. With their allies covering their retreat, they navigated their way through the gunfire and chaos. They left the battlefield behind, the oasis growing smaller in their wake.

The quiet of the desert surrounded them once more, this time with red dots shining on their bodies - railgun snipers, at least several kilometers away. V eased Jackie onto the ground.

"We were set up, weren't we?" Jackie murmured, looking up at the starry sky. His voice was a mere whisper against the cool desert breeze.

V looked down at him, his heart heavy. "Seems like it," he admitted. "Just another move in these fuckers game, they cleared this path and baited us in."

Jackie let out a pained laugh. "Then let's change the rules," he said, meeting V's gaze. His eyes held a determined glint. "We're not finished yet."

Several railgun shots came their way, they took cover under some dunes and the nails shot into the sand, splashing it several feet tall.

Just as V was about to respond to Jackie, Johnny's voice cut through the silence. "Got incoming. Another bunch of Free State soldiers."

"No Sniper is that accurate from more than 5 kilmeters away, so theres still manuver room, plus they need to watch out for their troops, lets, make a stand."

Concluded V, stating the only choice left.

Despite their exhaustion and injuries, V could see a stubborn spark of defiance in Jackie's eyes. They were outnumbered, on the defensive, but neither of them would go down without a fight. In this desolate landscape, against overwhelming odds, they would fight. Because they were survivors, and they were not finished yet.

"Let's get ready. Johnny, any defensive strategies?" V asked, surveying their surroundings.

"We have the high ground here. But we might not be able to use it cuz of their fucking Snipers, but since we're stuck between hills, their approach should narrow, since they'll be bottlenecked," Johnny proposed.

"Right," V nodded, appreciating the AI's tactical acumen. "Jackie, how are you holding up?"

"Been through worse, hermano," Jackie replied, trying to get up. He winced in pain, but determination shone in his eyes. "Let's do this."

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