13.Brink of War & World Marshal

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Former Tonto National forest, Phoenix, Arizona, June 2077

"Yesterday evening several major armed conflicts occured on the border of between NUSA and the free states, analysts state that this might be a catalyst to a second Unification War. Night City Mayor Lucius Rhyne has openly claimed that 'The free states are nothing more than rogue terrorists.' On his press conference on Wednesday morning."

The big screen TV was broadcasting on a beautiful summer evening.

"Rocky political climate these days."

Sam remarked, finishing off his dinner. 

"Yea, now that Arasaka is on decline, I'm wondering who's gonna support the Free States this time." 

Said David, interested in the political and economic state of the world. (Arasaka had supported the free states in the Unification War 2069-2070)

"Maybe it was a smart decision to leave night city after all."

Sighed Gloria, with a tired but relieved expression on her face.

Sam, Gloria and David had now moved from Night City to a forest camp Villa in Arizona.

They had also managed to get David an early Graduation from Arasaka by the end of 2077, the young boy is now a Ripperdoc trainee in the local clinic (A graduation certificate was way more useful in the NUSA than what they actually taught at Arasaka academy anyways).

Initially Gloria was against the decision of going away, she wanted a decent future for David in Night City, she wanted David to go college and get a job at some big corporation, but Sam managed to convince her that no dream was worth it in Night City.

And so they left, leaving it all behind, merc, gigs, and connections. 

The television droned on in the background as the Martinez-Rodrigues family spent their night.

"After the initial outrage of events, companies quickly released their statements in regards to the growing tension, among the most notable was Castillo Ferdinand, former Bio chip co-engineer of Arasaka and current CEO of World Marshal."

Sam raised an eyebrow, he was now paying attention, David and Gloria also directed their attention towards the television due to Sam's sudden awareness.

"The CEO of this young corporation publicly announced this morning on his board meeting that World Marshal will support the freedom of independence in of any NUSA state, he also emphasized that the constitution of NUSA did not prohibit the free states from gaining independence."

Sam grimaced, he was hoping that the name World Marshal is just another one of those silly parallelisms of this world to make him remember his past world and his past life.

But the more he observed, the ominous things became, it was almost like fate was playing a game with him, throwing him into a different world but then slowing demonstrating to him that it's the same after all.

"What's the matter Sam?" asked Gloria, seeing Sam's shift in emotions."

"This, World Marshal," said Sam, "if they're the same people, I might have worked with them before." 

"Really? I thought World Marshal only appeared in Night City this year, and even before their entering of Night City they haven't had much of a history."

David piped in, rather curious about Sam's past. 

"If they're what I think they are, then their history extends beyond what they demonstrate to the public, they were something different back then, in a different time, and a different place, I'm rather curious as to what they are now."

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