7.Operation テクムセ (Tecumseh)

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Watson district, Afterlife bar

"Jackie and V will go for the Arasaka Biochip lab, we have its location thanks to help of Yorinobu Arasaka. T-bug* will help you guys find and identify the Biochip with Johnny Silverhand's psyche. Sam will go straight for Saburo Arasaka, T-bug will also help you spot him, if you encounter Adam Smasher, kill him too. Cause as much chaos in the process as possible, we're talking Smasher level collateral damage"

Rogue was giving a mission brief, her tone was professional and informative.

"Goro Takemura is the only unknown variable in this situation, currently all knowledge about his cyberware is his endoskeleton and that he typically uses a Tachi for battle."

Sam raised an eyebrow upon hearing this information, Rogue took notice but continued her brief.

"Once our plan succeed and Yorinobu takes over Arasaka, he will use his connections so that you guys will no longer be wanted by the NCPD, just like he did last time for Sam."

"So it was him, I was wondering why MaxTac seemed to just forget about me, why didn't he come for the brief today."

Sam inquired, he had wanted to see this Yorinobu ever since Rogue told him about this man, he was curious about what kind of man Yorinobu really is.

"He can't, that would be too sus, going to Afterlife and talking with Mercs before an operation is initiated against his father, people might make the connection."

Rogue explained before going back to her brief.

"Anyways, the name of the operation is テクムセ (Tecumseh), T-bug came up with that name, Tecumseh was this historical figure who fought against American colonialism, and our operation is to put a stop to corporate colonialism, at least that's what T-bug told told me."

Sam sank into heavy thought, the parallelism was way too strong for him, the only difference this time was that Raiden isn't here to make doubt the mission, or rather, he is the Raiden of this story.

Rogue talked for another 5 minutes about the details of the operation before she finished and turns to Sam.

"Come with me Minuano, I'm going to show you a Ripperdoc."

They walked for about 10 minutes before Rogued showed Sam into a room filled with cybernetic tools and body parts, the smell of clinical chemical fluids and metal mixed together to create a unique smell that belonged to Ripperdocs.

Rogue introduced Sam to a fat man heavily tattooed with a pair of headphone on his neck.

"Cassius Ryder* of Doc Ryder, my shop is in Northside of Watson District, feel free to drop by if ya have the need, Rogue called me here just for this situation just to prepare you with your favourite gear."

He pulled out an exoskeleton kit from a fridge, icy smoke was still streaming from it when it reached Sam's hands.

"I gotta say, not many people appreciate good ol' exo kits no more, at this point people who do craft these do so for artistic purposes rather than for actual combat."

Cassius Ryder remarked after handing over kit.

"Yea well, for a man whose last exo kit being pre-2016 junk, I can responsibly tell you that anything you managed to create would top whatever I already have."

Sam replied nonchalantly.

"2016?! That shit's antique, say, how much would you be willing to sell it to me for? You know, for artistic collection and giving a sense of history to my shop."

Ryder was immediately excited.

"We'll talk about that after the mission, right now, how about you explain this exo kit to me?"

Sam cut Ryder Ryder from his collection frenzy.

"Oh yea, your kit, I constructed a built in sedative cabin just like you requested, it will keep you incredibly calm during battle by automatically detecting your neuro-activity and injecting the right amount at the right time, it'll help you take that 'inner-peace' of yours you've talked about to the next level."

"The exoskeleton can also will also adapt to your memetic during combat, and will adjust to make sure you move more smoothly, giving you a massive speed and power boost."

Ryder was out of breath when he finished.

"Impressive," Remarked Sam, "they're really not lying when they say that Night City can give you everything."

"Oh, I also improved the vibration frequency of your blade, with the right amount of wind your cut can extend beyond you blade, but don't heavily bet on it, it really relies on the weather and how much you're willing to manipulate your blade."

Ryder added.

"That is fantastic," said Sam, "Sammy boy sees a whole new world of techniques in front of him."


T-Bug, also known simply as Bug, was a Netrunner in Night City

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T-Bug, also known simply as Bug, was a Netrunner in Night City. She was an acquaintance of Dexter DeShawn, and had also worked with V and Jackie Welles.

*Cassius Ryder

Cassius Ryber is a well known Ripperdoc and Tattoo artist

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Cassius Ryber is a well known Ripperdoc and Tattoo artist.

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