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Pete laid spent on the bed, he was out of breath as his body lightly quivered from the orgasm he had earlier.

His husband hovered over him as he gently laid kisses down his neck and made sure to check he was okay,
"You did so well" Vegas ushered, whispering into his ear.

Pete was still in subspace and light-headed, not yet grounded

Vegas took a damp towel and started rubbing around the now bruised area on Pete's back, the other man hissed in pain as the cold cloth made contact with his skin

"Relax for me Pete," Vegas said as he rubbed in a circular motion with the towel on his back, he caressed his body leaving a kiss on every whip mark.

Pete shuddered feeling himself slowly come back to his sense after a few seconds "Vegas" he asked, "uhm?" the other man responded still busy on his back

"Where's Phayu? " The dazed man asked, Vegas rolled his eyes at the question even in subspace the first thing his husband thought of was their child "He's out there, hopefully, dead because once I find him, he might as well be" Vegas responded.

"No..." Pete nudged at him, "He is fine Pete, you know he's technically an adult now, right ?" Vegas said, but Pete stayed quiet and let him continue working on his back.

After Pete was clean to his satisfaction, he lifted him up, so he was sitting on his lap.

Vegas held the man in his arms as he felt Pete slowly doze off, he kissed his forehead and ran his hand through Pete's hair "You did so good baby, you took it so well" Vegas said, Pete said nothing but whimpered into his touch.

Vegas took his other hand and slowly rubbed it on Pete's lips, and gave him a kiss "Thank you Baby" Vegas quietly said

They laid back into bed with Pete's head on Vegas's chest, and they held each other, after a few seconds, Pete spoke up, "He took the bike, didn't he? " "You're back" Vegas quietly chuckled "Yeah he did"

"I think he's seeing someone," Pete said,
"You think so?" Vegas asked, "Yeah, he's been sneaking off or leaving in the middle of the night, and he gained quite the confidence..."

"You sound disappointed? " "Not really more like .....sad? " Pete hesitantly said, "Why? " Vegas asked "Well he's growing up and soon is going to leave us" "I'm glad he's gonna leave, he's gown up Pete, he's no longer an infant" he replied.

Pete got up and went to go put his rob on "Why can't you be more like Kinn" he mumbled to himself, but Vegas got that, he reached for the other man and pulled him into bed again

"Why the hell would I want to be like Kinn?" he asked, "Because his more protective of Prapai than you are of Phayu" Pete finished off

Vegas chuckled into his fist and glanced at his husband "Pete you should know better, Kinn has a target on his back and everyone wants a shot including me at some point so don't be shocked when he's overprotective of his offspring" Vegas said

"I know Vegas... It's not like people are not coming after us too" Pete said in annoyance "I know there are people who have bad blood against me, but they won't dare do something .." Vegas said in a lower tone.

Pete gazed at him from the corner of his eye and put his head back on his chest. "I hope you're right," he said.

A few minutes passed, and the two men laid comfortable in each other's hold, but that time was interrupted by Vegas's phone

He picked it up and answered, "What, Macau?! " "You need to get to the racetrack your son is about to be beaten up by someone's father " Macau bust out laughing on the other end

"What the hell are you talking about," Vegas asked "The guy he's been seeing has quite the hot-tempered father and now wants to rip your son to shreds," Macau said on the other line

"I already sent security to look after him" Vegas fired back "No ..no you don't understand he looks like he could kill the security and your son, " Macau said while busting out in laughter

Vegas held his fingers to his temple and gathered his thoughts 'if I don't do something Pete will kill me' he thought

"How do you know ?" Vegas asked "Well I came to the racetrack for some fun and to bet on Prapai, that brat owes me money for losing like that," He in a serious tone said.

"But I heard some Man named Top or Type... I think it was T something wanted your son's head"

Vegas angrily flared his nose and closed his eyes 'If that Type guy doesn't kill him I will', he thought

"Okay, I'm coming just keep everything at bay I'll be there in 30 mins" Vegas answered "and tell my men to do their jobs" he angrily said as he dropped the call and looked at Pete

"What's wrong?" he asked, "We need to get to the racetrack" "Why? " "Phayu, I think he got into trouble" Vegas frustratingly replied as he got up from the bed and looked for his clothes



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