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⚠️TW:Gun mentions ⚠️

"Paw, I can explain" "Ow" Sky cried out as Kuea pinched the tip of his child's ear

"Then explain," Kuea said, letting go of his ear
"Well this is Prapai and he and I ..are ...dating" he responded, slowing down on his words

Prapai gave his award-winning smile and took out his hand to shake Sky's other father "Sir my name is Prapai Theerapanyakul it's an honor to meet you"

"Theerapanyakun...Thailand's Mafia household name ...really Sky" Lian asked, hands still in his pockets ignoring Prapai's hand.

"Dad, it's not like that ..."

"Sky how the hell did you even end up here?" asked Kuea
"I just ... wanted to see the race"
"more like you left unannounced without telling us where you were going, something bad could've happened to you"
"Dad I'm no longer a child"
"Sky you're still 17"
"But I'm turning 18"

"And how old must he be 20 something," Lian said as he pointed at Prapai

"He's 19" Kinn's voice was heard as he came closer with Porsche next to him

"Sh*t" Prapai said as he noticed his fathers came into view

"You must be Kinn Theerapanyakul," Lian said
"The pleasure is all yours" Kinn answered

The two thick-eyebrowd men started each other down, neither saying a word

"Listen, Listen we are not here to fight, we just came to talk, right dad," Prapai said as he gave his Father a stern look

"More like I should be calling the police," Lian said, still not moving his gaze from Kinn.

Kinn reached for the gun in his holster when Porshe harshly whispered into his ear, "Take that gun out, and I will kill you myself"

He walked past Kinn and went to where Kuea and Sky were, he took out his hand to shake

"My name is Porsche Theerapanyakul and this is my husband Kinn and our son Prapai"

Kuea slowly took out his hand to shake,
"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Theerapanyakun well, I wouldn't say so for your son, though"
"Please excuse Prapai he tends to go off the rails sometimes and do things without thinking, "Porsche said

"Pa!!" shouted Prapai, Porsche did a drastic turn and mouthed the words 'Zip. It' to his son and he sulked in return.

"But you must understand my child is still underage " Kuea replied

"Paw, I'm 18 in the next two months" Sky sarcastically said as he rolled his eyes

"And Prapai just turned 19 this year, I know how protective parents can be, especially to their underage children. But both of our sons are almost or just turned into adults, we need to let them be"

"Right Kinn" Porsche said as he turned toward his husband

Kinn still stayed quiet and looked to the side
"My husband can be a little hot-headed sometimes I do apologize," Porsche said

"I apologize too, we shouldn't have bombarded your son like that, we were just worried parents "

"Understandable" Porsche nodded his head in agreement

"My Name is Kuea Keerati Wang and this is my husband Lian Kilen Wang and our son Sky Wang" Kuea introduced his family

"It's a pleasure" to meet you, Porsche said, but before he could talk again he heard his husband say,

"Let's go Prapai," Kinn rigorous said, "But dad please for once just listen to me " "There's nothing to talk about" Kinn fired back. He started walking away, expecting his family to follow.

"Dad ...I love him, okay, and I'm not going anywhere," Prapai spoke out, as he pulled Sky closer to him.

'Didn't he say they just met' Porsche thought but smiled as he noticed his son finally taking a stand for himself "Oii I'm proud of you " Porsche said as he patted Prapai's back

"Porsche.." Kinn called out
"Kinn come on, give him a break"

"Look I don't have time for this, Sky lets go home," Lian said
"Dad I'm not going too" Sky claimed still standing next to Prapai

"Everyone just shut up," Kuea said throwing his hands in the air "Let's just calm down" the short man finished off

"Prapai you owe my money for losing like that" Macau said coming into view with Porchay behind

Porsche and Chay saw each other and embraced in a hug

"I missed you," Porsche said as he ruffled his hair
"I missed you too"

"Okay enough with the family reunions, did I miss the second fight," asked Macau

"What do you mean the second fight," Kinn asked

"Well Vegas almost killed someone again, but Pete stopped him, who knew he had so much power over my brother" Macau chuckled

"Ai Porsche, you guys are here too," Pete said coming behind Macau and Chay

"Yeah, what are you guys doing here ?"
"Nothing ... But more like damage control"
"Me too," said Porsche as both men chuckled.

"Want to come to our house for dinner? , We invited Phayu's boyfriend and his parents over" Pete asked

"That would be great" Porsche responded

"Mind if we invite Sky's parents, I mean the more, the merrier, right?" Porsche said as he also Mouthed the words "Help Me" to Pete.

It took a few seconds before he understood and caught on as he said "Oh, I mean yes, yes of course"

"Would you guys like to join us?" asked Porsche
Kuea smiled "dinner sounds lovely' he said
As he tugged on his husband's suit
"I have a meeting" Lian replied
"For once spend time with your family, cancel that, we are going" the shorter man replied
Lian released a breath and muttered the words "fine"

"Right Kinn? " Porsche said as he looked back at his husband
"I'm not going to Vegas's house"
"Okay fine I'm not asking, I telling you"

"Pete we'll make it," Porsche said as he smiled in his best friend's direction

"Sounds great," Pete said.


So how was it?

Sky's parents are Kuea and Hia from the cutie pie series

Ready for the big family dinner?

I have a new story out called Hold Me Closer, It's a Mpreg of Kinnporsche and Prapai it's more like the side story of this one, would love for you to check it out and tell me what you think

Thank you so much for reading ❤️

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