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Porsche was about to push past Vegas and get into the house, "Where's Pete?" he asked when they heard a car pull into the drive through

"Darling 's" Shouted Tankhun from the rooftop of the car. Porsche then turned around to face his brother-in-law "What the hell is he doing here" He harshly whispered.

"I may or may not have told him about the dinner" Kinn innocently replied "Bastard you are lying, You wanted him to do all the talking whilst you shut up during dinner", Porsche said looking at his husband

Vegas flared his nose" Out of all people what the hell is he doing here" he said "I don't know ... I think I need a smoke" Porsche responded.

Tankhun walked past three and deliberately shoved his shoulder with Vegas's. He had on a Zebra outfit and hot pink shoes.

"Where's my favorite Bodyguard!!" Tankhun shouted at the top of his lungs, and that's when Pete showed up, he raised up his eyebrows "What are you doing here" he asked.

"Well, I came to see my favorite bodyguard"
"I thought you were mad at me"
"I was ... Because who the hell chooses Vegas over me"

Arm and Pol walked through the door on Tankhun's lead, "Sorry we couldn't stop him" they said. Kinn whispered from the side, "No, you guys did good"

Porsche hit his husband over his head "Ow" Kinn said "You deserve it.... Where the hell is even your Son" he asked

That was when they paid close attention to the gate where a car was pulling up and Prapai waiting anxiously. The car came to a halt and the two men stepped outside.

"It's a pleasure to meet you again Sirs" he greeted, Kuea smiled "It's nice meeting you again Prapai" Lian nodded his head not paying attention to him

And the two men walked towards the door. Sky came out of the back seat of the car "You never greet me that formally" he said, Prapai leaned into his ear "Well because you're my boyfriend"

Sky now flushed, rolled his eyes. Prapai leaned in for a kiss and felt Sky's finger stopping him midway "Not in front of our parents" he said

And then the two made the way to the house, following Sky's parents

Vegas looked around "Everybody is here but the people we invited, people I hate are in my house, and they brought that crazy one called Tankhun too"

"You are welcome" Tankhun replied and Vegas fought the urge to go get his gun

Type and Tharn's car pulled up at the gate and got it on the way to the drive-through. Phayu made his way past all the men gathered at the door and he headed his way to the car.

His cousin Prapai mumbled "Rude Ass"

Type and Tharn got out of the car and Phayu immediately greeted the two parents, Tharn said "hi" and Type simply looked away "Sorry for that" Tharn mouthed at him, and he just smiled

Rain got out of the car as well and the two made eye contact, The shorter man blushed as Phayu smirked, and they made their way to the house

That's when another car showed up at the gate "Who did you invite this time" Vegas said looking at his husband Pete

"No one, I Swear," he said shaking his head side to side, that's when the culprit showed himself. Tawan got off the car and awkwardly waved his hand at the group.

"WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING HERE" Porsche, Kinn, Vegas, and Pete unanimously shouted

Tankhun then whispered into his nephew's ear " I invited him, I wanted to piss Vegas off" he said as he chuckled to himself

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