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⚠️TW: Guns⚠️

Rain's heart started pounding, he knew that voice,
"Rain!" it said again

"Fuck, Fuck," he frantically said looking around
"What's wrong?" a confused Phayu asked staring at his boyfriend
"It's my dad ..." he cautiously said
"Dad..what? "
"Yeah, I think he's here and looking for me"
" Well ...I guess I get to finally meet my father-in-law, " Phayu said, pulling a scared Rain by his waist, about to plant a kiss on his forehead.

Rain jumped out of his grasp and pushed him away

"You. Don't. Understand, he can kill both you and I"
" Yeah, I've heard words similar to that, but I'm still alive" Phayu chuckled
"You're taking this as a joke, and it's not, we need to get out of here"

Rain said tugging on Phayu's shirt
The other man didn't budge, still standing in the same spot

"Hey, hey listen to me, we just need to talk to him, he'll surely understand "taking Rain's face into his hands

"My father and the word understanding don't belong in the same sentence" Rain pled

"Okay, Fine" Phayu finally gave in

But before they could leave, a furious father named Type busts through the crowd with a tired-looking husband named Tharn following right after

"Rain! "

"Dad I can explain ..."
"And what would that explain sound like 'Dad I snuck out of the house when you weren't looking to go meet a gangster's child? Hm?
"Dad it's not like that, Phayu is different"

Type flared his nose and looked at his child,
"Rain. Move. Out. Of. The. Way"
"Ai Type" his husband called out
"Get out of this Tharn"
"Dad Please .."

Three Men in black suits started shielding Phayu from the scene. The two in front, drawing out their weapons "Take those things out and people will scatter, just leave I'll handle this" "But Sir Theerapanyakul.." "No, I said leave" Phayu disputed with them

The men slowly backed away and stood at the sidelines just waiting for a big confrontation to occur

"Sir I can explain ... look we might have been dating for a few months now, but I truly love your son"

"Love, you don't even know what love is" Type spat

"Type please" Tharn again pled

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't shove your face into the ground"

"Because you might just with a bullet through your head," Vegas said coming into view with Pete following right afterward

The people start to scatter at the sight of the gun which was now pointed at Type's head

"I'm not afraid of a gun, I've been through enough and worse to be afraid of you and or your bullets" Type glared

Tharn came and stood in the middle of the two "I'm not letting you threaten my husband" he said

"Vegas.." Pete warned.

The two men stood and stared at each other dead in the eyes

Rain came and got in the middle and stretched his arms out to separate the two

"Can't you discuss this like the two adults you are "

Pete pulled Vegas back, "Put that gun away " he harshly whispered to his husband and moments later watched the other man draw back his weapon

The men calmed down and Pete spoke up first "Look I have no problem with my son finally having to get someone to love and that shouldn't have to bother us as parents, now that everyone is a bit calm let's just discuss this over dinner"

Tharn nodded his head in agreement, but Vegas and Type still stood, staring at each other

"Dad please" Rain begged his Father
"Fine, but you're going to have to explain how you ended up with a gangster's child"
"He's not a gangster dad"
"Then explain the gun?"

"My husband can be a little trigger-happy sometimes, but it's all in the protection of our son, you must understand as a parent, " Pete said

"I understand and so does my husband right Type ?" Tharn asked
Type looked to the side, and mumbled the words "Yes"

Both Rain and Phayu breathed out the sign of relief they didn't even know they were holding in.

Rain threw himself in his father's arms and gave him a huge hug, "thank you, thank you" he said as he gave his father sniff kisses on the cheeks.

Phayu mouthed the words "Thank you" to his phaw Pete, and the other man just nodded his head and smiled

"Dinner at our house, how about 7 pm?" Pete asked.

Vegas stayed quiet and watched his husband do the talking

"Sounds great," Tharn said as he gave one clap in agreement

"Wait, Wait the fight is over" whined Macau "I had my camera out and everything... Do over, do over," he said.

"And who is he? " Asked Type.

Phayu pinched the bridge of his nostril, "That's my uncle, don't mind him"

"Fine, I'll go see what Prapai is up to, I'm sure Kinn is already here," Macau said as he walked away leaving the other men behind

He walked and almost bumped into someone "Oh sorry it was my fault" the other man said "Nahh it's cool "
Macau got a closer look and recognized the person

"Porchay?!" Macau asked "Macau ?" he replied, and the two men embraced in a hug

"I haven't seen you in forever"
"Me too, I just came back"
"With Kim? "
"Without Kim ..." Chay sadly said looking at the ground
"oh I'm sorry "
"No, it's fine, I guess it was never meant to be"

"How about dinner to cheer you up "
"I'd love that" Chay shyly said

"Oh Macau have you seen Porsche, he sent me a text saying he'd be here at the racetrack ...." Chay asked.

Before he could finish off they heard another commotion

"Ow, Ow dad!!" Sky cried out as his father pinched his ear.

"What the hell are you doing here," Kuea asked


So, how was it?

Rain's Fathers are Tharn and Type from the Tharntype series

What happened to Kim and Chay?
Are Macau and Chay going to end up together?
Is it Kuea from the Cutie pie series?
Stay tuned for more chapters

Thank you so much for reading ❤️

Reminder to vote, share and even comment, I would love to hear your thoughts 💙

⚠️Chapter 8 is already out ⚠️

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