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It was supposed to be a calm dinner, a  gathering, a chance for two families to meet and try to salvage a relationship with each other for the sake of their children and hopefully resolve tension between the fathers, plus enjoy a pleasant evening together.

But it was far from it.

"Pa, can you two stop flirting," Prapai said, eyeing his parents. Sky felt bad as he heard the desperation in his boyfriend's voice.

Kinn shrugged his shoulders and continued to stare at his beloved, but the response from Porsche was far from loving, it was more of an intense "I Will Kill You" gaze. Seeing as he was still mad at his husband for having invited his trouble brother.

You can't blame Porsche, Tankhun was rather yet special person and, for that, needed special attention, inviting him to such an important dinner, who had someone whom he truly hated like Vegas, was just a recipe for disaster.

He was not just going to start drama and keep it entertaining for the table like Kinn hoped. He might as well just start swinging hands with Vegas in front of everyone and wouldn't give a damn.

Porsche loved his brother-in-law, he really did, but right now was not the time as he was hoping he would ease the tension between his husband and Lian after what happened at the racetrack. He looked away from Kinn and sighed after muttering "ai mūng" at him.  

On the other side of the table, "Man has no self-control" he can barely keep to himself," Lian muttered under his breath after keeping a close eye on Kinn. Observing this, Kuea jabbed his elbows into the other man's side.

"Ow," he said tending to his now hurting side "Man has no self-control; he can barely keep to himself," Lian muttered under his breath after keeping a close eye on Kinn. "You aren't any better" Kuea closed off, rolling his eyes.

Sky started to notice his parents having a scuffle, they usually weren't like this. Felt a bit uneasy and a memory triggered him. His breath become shallow and fast-paced with trembling hands and a racing heart, as if a something was squeezing his chest.

Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, glistening in the light " he knew he was having a panic attack 'What the hell!!!! He thought. His eyes wandered, attempting to escape the suffocating grip of fear. When he caught Prapai worryingly gaze.

Prapi lifted up his hand and placed it on his back and gave his head a small tilt a small gesture to ask 'Are you okay' 

But without thinking, he proceeded to get the attention of the others at the table

"Sirs if don't mind, I would like to be excused," Sky said putting the napkin he had on him down on the table.

A bit worried about his son, Kuea was about to speak, but the noise of a chair being ushered back hastily stopped him in his tracks.

Prapai stood up, ready to leave with Sky, but first bowed at the table of adults. Before anyone could get a word in, he was already out of the dinner hall.

Lian was ready to stand up and leave the table to go after his child when Porsche caught his attention. "Leave them be, Prapai is a good kid, I'm sure they'll figure it out, and he can bring him back"

With a slight heavy heart, he relaxed back into his chair and stared at his partner, Kuea slightly smiled at his husband and rested his hand on his giving it a small squeeze, a sign of reassurance.

Both parents knew the type of trauma Sky had been through and the distress it usually sent their son in. But maybe it was time they let someone else help him too.

In his mind, 'this was a test for Prapai'
Lian thought. He was willing to give the younger man a chance, and no it's not because his husbands had threatened him. But he too wanted to see his kid happy with someone like his happy with his Kuea

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2023 ⏰

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