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Porsche got off the bed and left his husband under the covers, "Where are you going ?" Kinn mumbled, he smirked in his direction as he lifted a cigarette up to his lips.

"You know I need a break too Mr. Theerapanyakun," he said "Well Mr. Theerapanyakun could really go for round two" Kinn seductively said as he pulled him back into bed

Porsche chuckled as he was manhandled back into the place he just escaped, "Go run us a bath, and maybe I'll think about it"

Kinn quickly nodded his head, he got off the bed, and run straight to the bathroom, Porsche, looked as his husband go and looked around the bed for the discarded cigarette

"Where the hell .." he muttered to himself lifting the covers, he found it on the edge of the bed, and looked for a lighter in one of the drawers, his eyes instantly fell onto their family picture on top of it

Both he and Kinn were sitting on Thrones and a small Prapai was running around their legs, he took a closer and noticed Kinn's eyes on their child with a gigantic smile plastered on his face

He rolled his eyes with a smile on his face and mumbled "Even after all these years, Prapai your still Daddy's baby"
He put the picture down and found the lighter next to Kinn's Mafia ring

He got off the mattress and put on Kinn's shirt over his naked body, he walked towards the patio and lit the cigarette once there

He blew a few puffs when he felt Kinn's half-naked body collide with his. Kinn wrapped his body around his backside and put his head on Porsche's shoulder.

"The bath is ready," Kinn said into his neck, Porsche lightly shuddered feeling the sensation of his husband's lips on his neck

He turned around to face him and put his hands on his face, "I gave him the bike" Porsche said

Kinn stopped smiling and faced him, "You ...what ...??" "I gave Prapai the bike, Kinn" "Why the hell would you do that Porsche" "Because he's a grown man now who needs to explore and live his life "

"Porsche ..." "No, Kinn listen to me, I know you love our child and so do I, But you need to give him some space.."

Kinn stayed quiet "If you're mad at him, don't be, I was the one who gave him permission," Porsche said as he put the almost burnt-down cigarette down on the ashtray

He turned to leave when Kinn pulled him back into his grasp "I'm scared .....at Prapai's age I already had a kill count and helping my father with the business and almost everyone on the market wanted me dead"

"I'm just trying to keep him safe ... Porsche. . I never want him to turn out like me and the fact that he has to take the family name after me pains me"

Porsche gazed into his eyes and kissed him, the kiss was not like their usual kisses but this time it was gentle and soft

They broke off and caught their breaths
"Kinn you're a great father, and you've proven it countless times, Prapai may look like you, but he got my charms, so he's safe" Porsche, joked

Both men chuckled at the thought "You've kept him safe all this time, but it's time to let him go grow up on his own, and it's okay to feel like shit for letting him go, but that's part of parenthood" Porsche said whilst gently caressing his face

Kinn leaned into his to touch and softly spoke "okay"

"Now let me go make you happy Mr. Theerapanyakun" Porsche sexily said leading him into the bathroom

Kinn lifted his eyebrows, and once again that massive smile was plastered on his face, letting his husband take control of the way

They arrived in the bathroom, Kinn took off his pants and Porsche his shirt. Kinn went in first and made space between his legs for Porsche

They laid comfortable in the warm water before Kinn started kissing the other man's neck and lightly tracing his lips on Porsche's collarbone

He moaned out as the tension was getting heated when suddenly the phone rang

"I'm not picking it up," Kinn said still leaving hickeys on his neck, "It might be important" Porsche grasped out

The called ended and started again and Kinn angrily look at it, he sighed before reaching for the phone

"You have 5 seconds before I fill your head with lead" he spat on the phone

"Before you kill me, you must know your son will be dying first," Macau said, laughing on the other end

Kinn paused and looked at Porsche

"What are you talking about ...?" Kinn asked.

"Apparently a couple of angry parents want to come after you and Vegas's sons, and I'm here for the show, just get to the racetrack before things get out of hand," Macau said

The call ended before Kinn could ask more questions

"Kinn, no I'm still enjoying my time here in the tub, Prapai can face the consequences of actions," Porsche said sinking deeper into the water

"He might be in real trouble, Porsche ..." Kinn said

Porche threw his hands up in a dramatic expression and said "Oooiii Fine, let's go"


Ready to finally meet all the parents? 😂

Stay tuned for more characters coming in as we are going to meet Sky and Rain's fathers

"My life a mess
This story a mess too
But is still immensely grateful for your support"

Thank you for reading ❤️

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