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A tall, fair, well built man took the stage and started to announce in to the microphone in front of crews of cameras and lights.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN," he announced. "Welcome to the 3rd annual k- pop cook off where idols from all of South Korea get together to reveal their hidden culinary talents! I'm your host, Soobin from TxT."

A beautiful woman with a slim figure and a bright smile appeared next to Soobin. "And I'm Diane, the Co-host of this program."

A round of excited applause could be heard from the audience. Once the cheer died down, Soobin spoke up,

"So Diane," he started cheerfully. "Are you excited for another trip down delicacy lane?"

"Very much, Soobin," Diane chirped in. " And I just can't wait to see the range of mouth watering dishes this year's contestants are going to surprise us with"

~Meanwhile back in Jimin's apartment~

"Hyungs, hyungs, get over here y'all," Jungkook called excitedly to his members while dashing towards the living room, balancing two buckets of pop corn in his hands and taking a seat on the couch in front of the already lit television.

"Ahhh, has it started already?!," a man with a unique boxy smile, Taehyung, skidded into the room before taking a seat next to the maknae.

"Wait for meeeee,!" Jimin yelled running into the room before plopping down on the floor next to the sofa.
Evantually, Namjoon and J- hope came shuffling in and sitting down.

"Letsss gooo everybodyyyyy," the ever energetic J hope rooted. "Gotta get my cheer on!!"

"Damn, Jimin," Jungkook said with his mouth full of popcorn but managing to give a devilish smirk. "How come your TV is so low. I mean I basically have to lower myself and crouch on the floor to see it. Is it because it would be too high for you if you had set it any higher?"

"Shut up, Kook," Jimin pouted while giving Jungkook's knee a hard slap.

"Shush, y'all, they are announcing the contestants," Namjoon said his eyes glued to the screen.

Jimin snatched one of the pop corn buckets from Jungkook hand's and began devouring them with his eyes glued to the screen.

With a growl, Jungkook playfully kicked Jimin's back.

On the show...
"So Diane," Soobin started. "Without any further ado, let's meet this year's most awaited contestants, shall we?"
"Definitely," Diane agreed with a broad smile.

The spotlight which were on the two hosts dimmed and the stage lights lit up to reveal a kitchen behind them.
An enthusiastic series of applause could be heard as 4 dark silhouettes appeared in front of the kitchen.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Soobin voice thundered from the speakers above. "Today's contestants are,"
The spotlights started to beam down on each person as they were introduced.

"Jin of BTS!"

"Anneyeonghaseo, Worldwide handsome Jin reporting to the kitchen," Jin chorused right before blowing the audience/ camera a flying kiss.

"Suga of BTS!"

"Heyy, I'm Suga. Pleasure to be here," the adorable kitten faced man said with a precious small smile while waving his hand.

"Jisoo of Blackpink!"

"What's up everyone, it's Jisoo in your area. Thank you for having me here!" the young female idol bubbled while doing cute aegyo.

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