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Yoongi and you started on the task of folding the dough.

Since the tray is fairly small, there wasn't alot of space for both of you two's hands to move around spaciously. As a result, while you were folding the dough, your fingers happened to lightly brush against Yoongi's pale, slightly cold, slender ones.

As you did so, you froze. Yoongi froze as well, catching your gaze. As you two met each other's gaze, you felt the blush creeping up your face like a wave creeping up on a sandy beach.

You quickly pulled your hands away causing Yoongi to chuckle and you to giggle along with him quite awkwardly.

Although, you two tried to brush it off and ignore what just happened, how I wish I could say the same about Jin who, unknowingly to the pair, had been watching over them like a hawk.

"Yahhhhhhhhhh," Jin shrieked in anger.

He was in the process of washing a long stem of leeks while jealousy had almost washed him off of his sanity.

He couldn't control himself from screaming inwardly and his bubbling lava of fury within made him thrash his arm around aggressively

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He couldn't control himself from screaming inwardly and his bubbling lava of fury within made him thrash his arm around aggressively.

The same arm that was clutching the long stem of leeks.

Jisoo walked in on the wrong time again.
"Hey Jin, how's the leeks goiiiiinggggggg-Arghhhh"
Jin accidently whacked Jisoo in the face with the cluster of long green leaves at the end of the leeks stem during his angry lashing.

"Jin, seriously," Jisoo sputtered out spitting out leaves. "What is the matter with you today?"

~Time skip ~

You finish putting the unbaked pastry dough into the oven and set the timer.

"There," you stated satisfied. You turned to Yoongi with a big smile. "Now that the pastries are baking, let's get started on the spaghetti now, shall we, Yoonkitty?"

"Yeah. I think that would be a more efficient use of time." Yoongi agreed.

"Great," saying that you made your way towards the cupboards to get some pots down.

"OK, Jin. We need to add some lime essence to the stew," Jisoo instructed. "So, here are some limes I found but the bad news is... The lime squeezer appears to be broken so we might have to do it by hand. You're obviously stronger than me, so do you think you could squeeze them out?"

"Yeah sure," Jin nodded trying to sound excited and cheerful though his heart felt so heavy.

"Thanks," Jisoo said giving him a sweet smile. She skipped away to work on the boiling water.

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