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" Like maybe a kiss? "Jin finished teasingly.
" I-.. "
(A/N: It's ok, go ahead. Who can resist? Just make sure no one else is in the room while you kiss your phone screen)

 Who can resist? Just make sure no one else is in the room while you kiss your phone screen)

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Outside the room.

Yes, the eavesdropping was still going on in full swing and no one regretted it.

" Oh my God, guys, "Hobi started almost tearing up. " They grow up so fast. "

" I know, "Namjoon sniffled while wiping a tear from the corner of his eye." It's like only yesterday they met for the first time. "

"All of this is happening thanks to me. You're welcome," Yoongi grumbled.

"KISS! KISS! KISS!" The maknae line started chanting louder than a high-school cheerleading squad while jumping up and down.

"GUYS!" Namjoon shrieked while motioning with his hands to quiet down. The maknaes immediately silenced but started making silent kissing sounds while the hyungs tried their best to shush them.

Inside the room

"Miss. (Y/N). Would you like the pleasure of sharing a kiss with the one and only world wide handsome?" Jin teased.

You gulped and groaned in embarrassment.
"Umm.. Yes, please?"

Jin lit up like a lantern in the dark room. "Good, because I want you so badly." he said in a husky voice before he cupped the sides of your cheeks with his hands and you placed your palms on his firm and flat chest.

Both of you leaned towards each other and moments after, Jin had captured your lips with his own plump rosy ones. His lips were so soft, rich, warm and enjoyable as they glided over yours. You sighed as you kissed him back deeply hoping that he would feel every single heartwarming emotion you were feeling. He did.

Each passing moment was simply delightful. You softly moaned and draped your arms around his neck as you felt your lower lip be tugged upon as he slowly sucked it. You loved the entire pleasant effect it had on you. Your body was heated up and you heart felt like a rollercoaster.

After a couple of seconds, you two pulled apart, both of your lungs racing to catch their breaths.

"That was amazing," you breathed out.
Jin smiled before pulling you into another hug. "It was lovely." he said with a content sigh while gently rubbing the tip of your nose with his.

"You should expect more of these in the future," he reminded you playfully. At this, you indeed, agreed upon the fact that life is perfect.

"Don't forget," Jin reminded. "We have a pending vacation. I can have you all to myself there,"

You looked up at him in glee. "Yes, of course. The trip to Italy!"

"Screw, Italy," Jin simply said before adding with a smirk. "To celebrate us, I'd take you anywhere you want. Even to the moon if you wish me to do so. Only just the two of us."

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