I hadn't realized just how heavy Niko was going to be. I knew I was going to struggle under his dead weight, but I hadn't anticipated to struggle this hard.
I cursed at the back of the asshole's head as he walked away. I'd barely even made it through the brush with niko, when I fell down.
It also didn't help that niko wasn't much help either. When I'd tried slapping his face and shaking him awake, he just groaned and curled away from me. I was getting ready to kill him for causing this mess, but I needed to get him to the car first.
From where we were I could see Peter and his asshole friends sitting on the picnic table. I couldn't make an exact distinction from their backs, but I could tell which one was peter's. His white t-shirt stretched tightly across his back.
The back that I was staring at.
He sat on top of the table, facing the bonfire. He'd been leaning back on his arms and could tell he was joking with the others about something. I could tell with the shake of his shoulders that he was laughing. He tips he's head to the side and says something to the boy next to him. They both tip their heads back and laugh.
My lips turn down at that. Here he was laughing, and he I was struggling. And all I wanted to do was go home, but instead I was trapped under niko's heavy legs.
I didn't even know why I'd come out here. I was cold, tired, and now trapped. I didn't even want to glance at my phone, but I knew it was near three in the morning.
"Hey." A voice says, snapping me back. "You okay?"
I look up and see a girl, one I hadn't seen at the bonfire. It wasn't until she steps out from the brush that I realized, she just came the way I did.
I didn't recognize her from school. She was tall and had silky black hair that stretched down the length of her body. I was almost jealous of the way her body was lean and skinny. I watched her move her eyes from me, to the unconscious boy on top of me.
I watch her hazel eyes widen before she crouches down and starts pulling at his legs. Trying to get him off of me.
"Holy shit, are you all right?" Her eyes flicker from him to me, assuming the worst. I let her pry his legs off of me, staring in awe.
"Hey, seriously. Are you okay?" She asks, with his legs off of me. She holds my shoulder scanning my body for what I was assuming injuries. When she doesn't see any she just looks me in the eyes. She wasn't hiding her concern and I relished in this attention. It felt comforting.
Her fingers on my shoulders give me a gentle squeeze. When I look back into her eyes there's a push. It made me want to tell her everything.
"Yes." I choke out. I look over at niko, who had his cheek pressed to the dirt. "I came to bring him back home, but when he was too heavy to carry and when I fell..." I trail off.
She seemed to understand and nods, offering the smallest of smiles. She was kind. I could tell that much. Especially when she silently hauls Niko up, throws one of his arms over her shoulder and helps me drag him towards the fire.
It made me want to cry. The only kind thing that had happened tonight had been a girl helping me with niko. I rolled my eyes as we make our way to the fire. While still slow, we were getting there faster than I was on my own.
When we reach the fire and finally sit--Drop, niko on the sand. He doesn't so much as stir, which makes me scoff down at him. The thud of his body hitting the ground grabs the attention of the entire party. Including the entire picnic table we'd just dumped him next to.
Summer Break
RomanceA boy and a girl who seem to despise each other but one thing seems to pull them together: Summer When Summer Break starts, it feels as if nothing is going Charlie's way. With her friends being gone, and her parents being out of state, she's left to...