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    Steve felt himself get blasted from the impact of the grenade. He flew off the highway and into a bus. His back shattered the glass. Cries and screams came from all around him. His head hit a seat. A horn blared in his hear. A crash threw him back even farther. He groaned slightly as he blacked out.

  "C'mon Stevie it'll be fun." Bucky said pulling the other back towards their double dates. Even though they both knew they were just here to see Bucky. It hurt Bucky's heart to see some girls ignore Steve just because of how he looked. Even though he knew it was their personality that counted.

"It's fine Buck, you go have fun without me." Steve said shoving his hands in his jacket pockets.

"No, we can leave they'll just go find some other guy to hook up with." Bucky said wrapping his arm around Steve. He led him out of the restaurant and they started walking the streets of Brooklyn.

"What do you want to do Stevie?" He said softly. Steve only shrugged in response. He knew something was pulling him down. Bucky stopped walking and turned to look at him. He bent his knees so his eyes were level with the blonde's. "What's wrong?" He said whispering. Steve wouldn't meet his eyes. "Look at me Steve." It hurt Bucky to see him like this. He was so fragile. Bucky had to protect him. Steve was the flower and Bucky was the gardener. He was what was helping keep the flower alive. "Please Steve." He spoke again. Steve slowly turned his head. His beautiful ocean eyes met Bucky's stormy grey ones. They stared into each other's eyes. A connection seemed to wrap them closer. Steve snapped out of it first.

"I'm sorry I ruined your date." He said looking down. Bucky felt his heart break. "Oh Steve." He said trailing off. He hugged the shorter close to his chest. "You could never ruin anything." He said softly, resting his chin on the top of Steve's head. Steve shut his eyes breathing in Bucky's scent. His heart fluttered as the familiar smell filled his senses. He wished he could stay here forever. Only if Bucky knew.

"Fine jerk." He muttered. He felt Bucky's arms release him which he pouted about but quickly got over it. He looked back up to meet his eyes. A grinning Bucky looked down at him. He smiled back a warmth filling his chest. He felt butterflies fill his gut as Bucky grabbed his hand.

    "Look it's the queers!" Two boys said cackling. "Ignore them." Bucky said through gritted teeth. "Fuck off!" He yelled back. Roars of laughter came from behind them. Bucky led Steve away from the two. Steve just felt worse.

     Bucky woke up to Steve curled up next to him. He felt his face heat up. They were enclosed in a tight space. Then he remembered they were inside a pillow fort that had been perfected last night. He ran his fingers through Steve's soft blonde hair. He looked perfect. The golden sunlight making his hair and skin glow. His lips looked perfect. Bucky's imagination slowly got the best of him as he pulled Steve closer so his lips were pressed against Steve's lips. He tasted like strawberries mixed with milk. He quickly pulled back. He prayed Steve wouldn't wake.  Steve didn't stir. He smiled happily to himself and quietly got up. He waltzed into the kitchen to make breakfast.

     Steve kissed Bucky softly. He was bigger a lot bigger. Bucky was smaller than him. He entangled his fingers into Bucky's soft brown hair. Bucky groaned against his lips. Steve smirked against the others lips. The two pulled away gasping for air. "Your beautiful." Steve said cupping Bucky's face in his hands. A blush spread across his cheeks. The two locked eyes. Both got lost in each others eyes. Each full of lust and love. Bucky slowly leaned back towards Steve.

    Steve shot up quickly. His face tinted pink. He looked around. He didn't recognize where he was. Where was Bucky? Oh right, he's in the pillow fort. He sighed getting up. He pushed the 'door' pillow out of the way as he crawled through. He smelt eggs coming from the kitchen. He walked towards the kitchen and saw Bucky spooning out eggs onto two plates.

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