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Bucky sighed. Nat stared at him with a blank expression. Sam wore a grim expression. It was dead silent.

  "I shouldn't of said anything. I'm sorry." Bucky said, his voice cracking. "No, no, no." Nat said resting her hand on his back. "We asked for you to tell us and you did. You've done nothing wrong."

   "But I have!" Bucky said grabbing at his hair. "Hey! It's ok, it's ok." Nat said rubbing his back. She knew what it was like. Everything she did with the Red Room, it haunted her daily. All the murders. But Bucky had been ripped from his time, she had seen what was done to make him forget. The brunette took in a deep breath.

   "I'm sorry." He said quietly.

    "Wait what did Steve do then?" Sam questioned.

    "I realize it's selfish now. It doesn't matter. He deserved to be happy." Bucky said sniffling. Oh god Rogers what did you do.

    "You almost failed!" Mr. Pierce yelled slapping him. The Winter Soldier sat in a metal chair his arms and legs strapped down. He stared down at his bloody and torn hand. "You could've exposed me!" He yelled pacing in front of the brunette.

     "I'm sorry." He whimpered.

"Sorry won't help if you expose us!" He said, landing another slap on the assassin's face. Mr. Pierce groaned, rubbing his face.

    "I don't even know if you can finish the first mission."

     "I can! I can be good! I will!" The Winter Soldier said his voice was shaky.

     "You've almost failed one mission and you did fail the other!" Pierce exclaimed.

   "Give me one more chance please! Please! Please!" The brunette begged. He didn't want to be put back in the freezer. He didn't want to. He didn't want to. He didn't want to. He didn't want to. He didn't want to. He didn't want to. He didn't want to. He didn't want to. He didn't want to. He didn't want to. He didn't want to. He didn't want to. He didn't want to. He didn't want to. He didn't want to. It hurt.

     "One last chance." Mr. Pierce growled, putting his glasses back on.

    "Get his weapons ready. Tomorrow is either going to be a good or bad day."

   Everyone around him scurried off to do their job. "Now go." He muttered to the soldier. The asassin immeaditaly got up and ran to his room. He remembered. He remembered. That man. He watched him fall. He watched him fall. But the man meant something to him. He couldn't remember. He couldn't tell Mr. Pierce. He is already angry at him. That other man he had an arm just like his. He felt dizzy. The world spun around him. He slammed into the wall. Thud.

    He felt the impact of the blast knock him out of the train. Buzzing filled his ears. "No!" A voice yelled. He clung on to the metal bar. His hands hurt. The cold wind made his eyes tear. A man stuck out his hand. It was that man on the bridge. His mission. He tried to take it. He fell. Down. He closed his eyes accepting death.

    "He went back in time." Nat said quietly. Bucky nodded. "For what?"

   "Peggy." He said, his voice cracking. He went back for Peggy Carter. Nat wrinkled her nose. She never liked her. Maybe that was because of Sharon.

"But look at the past two of you. You guys are inseparable!" She exclaimed.

"But I'm a monster. He's the definition of good. He's perfection. He's Captain America for god's sakes! And what am I? I murdered the Starks! I killed John Kennedy! I killed a man's innocent son! He never knew what happened to him." Bucky was now gripping onto his hair. His eyes wild.

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