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This chapter was a bit rushed, apologizes.

Steve clutched Bucky's hand tightly. His presence made him feel better. Like a free therapy. They had followed...themselves? He didn't really know. Everything was so weird. The cars were odd shapes and colored. The roads were covered with more trash and the air smelled worse. He was still confused on why they were here. The floor had seemed to give way. And poof they were here. He looked inside a shop and gasped. Colored TV!

"Buck!" He whisper yelled. Bucky turned to look in the window. His jaw dropped. They both stared into the shop. "Hurry up!" Bigger Steve yelled waving them into an alley. They both tore their eyes away from the window and followed them into the alley. It wasn't anything different from what they have, I mean it is an alley but there were odd markings on the walls.

"Reminds you of when we got beat up." Steve said chuckling. Small Steve felt his face go pink.

"Buzz off." Bucky snapped. His cold stormy eyes fixed on the now taller blonde. Steve's eyes flickered. Sadness.

"Stop arguing. We're not going to get anywhere if you just stand here and talk." The red head hissed. Everyone turned to look at her. She was quite pretty. She could of been a model if she wanted to. It was very brave of her to protect us.

"Your hurt." Small Steve said staring at her shoulder. She only nodded. "Can we get you somewhere safe? Or at least with medical services?" He could tell she already had and was loosing blood. She needed immediate medical attention.

   "Not with Hydra taking over SHIELD. And Steve I didn't know you were such a medic back then."

   "When your that small you have nothing better to do." He said shrugging.

"Hydra?" Bucky questioned, ignoring the other comment. "An evil Russian group." The red head said rolling her eyes as if it was an annoying bug flying by her ear. "So we didn't win the war?" Bucky whispered looking pale.

"Don't think I should say. If you're here long enough you'll find out eventually."

"Wait, so are we even in the United States anymore?"

"You are." She said typing something into a box. "What's that?" Steve said looking at the outside. It had a funny looking symbol on the back of the box. Almost like an hourglass but more triangular. It was a bright red. "Something you use for long-distance communication. Follow me." She said leading them farther back into the alleyway. Steve shivered as all light seemed to disappear. "How does it work? Did Stark invent it? Also, where are we going?"

"You are quite the questioner." The other man who knocked down the weird dude with the metal arm. "Sam." He said stretching out his arm. Steve looked down at it confused. Oh! A handshake. He never got many just punches usually. He stuck his hand out and shook it. "Steve," He said smiling. "I mean, your probably already knew that." He said rubbing the back of his neck. "No worries man." He said patting the smaller blonde on the back. "In here." The red head said.

   I sat in a chair as one of the scientists fixed up my arm. I didn't usually feel anything; yet here I was, an emptiness filling my head. It wasn't the usual emptiness, like a missing puzzle piece. Maybe Mr. Pierce knows. I will ask him. My head went fuzzy. "Bucky! No!" I was falling off of a train. I saw the same man on the bridge. I hit the ground. My left shoulder was screaming in pain. I blacked out. I saw a soldier in front of me. I was being dragged; snow numbing my body. I blacked out.

    "Sergeant Barnes." A funny looking man with glasses stood in front of me. I gazed down at my arm. "The procedure has already started!" It was metal. "You are to be the knew fist of Hydra." A voice said in my head. It sounded like the man with glasses I saw earlier. I panicked grabbing the doctor by the neck. I have to get out of here. Steve. He must be here too. He probably went after me. I threw the doctor when the funny man appeared in front of me again. This time a needle being shoved into my arm. I felt woozy and blacked out again. "Put him on ice."

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