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This chapter was rushed so tell me if you find any mistake:)

The smell of alcohol filled the assassin's nose. Hydra had prevented him from getting drunk no matter what circumstances even though he had seen Rumlow and his buddies get drunk multiple times. The music and laughter covered almost all other sound so he couldn't determine voices. He scanned the room. His target was talking to a woman in a black dress. She tossed her red hair back. He recognized her. She was from the Red Room. She was part of the Black Widow tests. Her name was Natasha. She had interfered with one of his missions before. That did not end well for her. She smiled and laughed. The assassin started to walk over to the two.

"Hey handsome." A woman said grabbing around his neck. She wore a bright red dress that followed the curves of her body. Her ruffled blonde hair reached her shoulders.

"Why don't you and I get a room?" She said smiling. The assassin stared down at her. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a disk.

"Maybe later." He said pushing her away. He placed the disk above her elbow. She scoffed walking away. Once she walked far enough away he clicked a button. Gasps came from behind him as the woman hit the floor. She was dead. She was an interference with his mission. She had to be eliminated. He continued to walk over to his targeted destination.

    "Lovely night isn't it." He said gruffly when he reached the two. The Black Widow turned her head to face him. Her eyes flashed with concern for a moment.

"Quite." She said giving a tight smile.

    "I apologize for ruining it." He pulled a gun out of his holder and quickly pointed it at his target. Thud.

     Bucky felt dizzy. He was chatting with Sam about the boat and then he was falling. He groaned sitting up. The smell of Alcohol reeked. He looked around. What the fuck? He knew this place all too well. He murdered Richard Leveni here. (I am so sorry if there is someone named Richard Leveni) He hadn't had this nightmare in a while. He turned to his left.

"Excuse me." He said immediately.

"What's the date?" The lady wore a sparkly gold dress. Her long brown hair matched her dark eyes.

   "Wouldn't you like to know?" She said batting her eyes. A miserable feeling formed in his gut. He was bi but he preferred men.

"What's the date." He said repeating himself.

   "The year is 2014-"

   "Thanks." He said shoving her away from him. She scoffed and turned back to whatever she was doing. He scanned the room. He let out a shaky breath. He was going to stop a murder. He balled up his metal fist. He saw his past self glaring at, Natasha? But this wasn't how it went. He saw The Winter Soldier reach into his pockets.

   "Out of my way!" He yelled sprinting towards his former self. People gasped and others yelled. He slammed into the assassin. Bang. Blood poured all over him. He watched the targets body fall limp. Damn it. The assassin wriggled underneath him. He held his arm in place.

"Who the hell are you?" He heard Nat's voice ring out above him.

   "None of your concern right now." The assassin shot his right leg. He let out a yelp. Nat drew her own gun and fired at the assassin. He rolled behind a table getting away from the two. Nat fired back at the table. People screamed and fled.

    "Come on." Nat said helping the new Bucky up.

"C'mon guys!" She yelled.

"Who else is here?" Bucky grumbled.

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