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—Dedicated to jamiebuckyz—Thank you so much for being so sweet in the comments<3

   Bucky stood there dumbfounded. I was that man?

   "Your lying." He said shakily. This was all a big dumb joke. It's a stupid nightmare.

"Funny joke." He laughed. Tension surrounded them. No one dared to speak.

"I'm sorry." Present Steve whispered standing up. He brushed past Bucky into the house. Bucky balled up his fists. That was a shitty move.

"How? How am I alive? Why the fuck do I have a metal arm?" He said raising his voice. I mean it wasn't the worst thing in the world it looked kind of cool. He followed after Steve.

"What the fuck is going on? What the hell happened?" He yelled. Steve ignored him. He walked into the kitchen, Bucky storming after him. He grabbed something out of a weird box.

"What the hell is that?" Bucky said pointing at the freezer.

"It's a freezer." Sam replied.

"And who the fuck do you think you are!" Bucky shouted back.

  "A friend." Steve growled. Bucky scoffed and turned his attention back to Steve. Steve put the food in another box above the fridge.

"What happened?" Bucky demanded slamming his fist on the counter table.

"None of your concern." Steve replied punching in a bunch of numbers.

"Of course it's my concern! Why are you the good guy and I'm the bad guy?" Bucky glared at Steve who stared right back. They sat there in dead silence.

"I thought we were each other to the end of the line." Bucky whispered. Steve walked over to Bucky and pulled him into a hug.

     "We are Buck." Steve said his features softening. He rested his chin on the top of Bucky's head. He would almost laugh at the old man smell of him. It took him some getting used to now that the products smelled and worked differently.

   "Clearly not anymore." He growled trying to push away Steve. He wouldn't let go. Never again. Bucky stood there annoyed at how this other Steve was acting. And he was supposed to be the bigger one.

"Let go." He demanded.

     "No." Steve whispered. The two stood there in silence. Bucky knew he shouldn't be in this hug with this Steve. This man wasn't his Steve. "I'm sorry." He muttered into Bucky's hair.

Thank you for reading this far!

    "Your new mission." A soldier said grabbing an envelope from a drawer. I stared at the file. He placed it on the center of the desk.

"It should be an easy task. A simple dealer who's deals end," He paused, "sour."

I nodded taking the file. My fingers found the opening of the file. I quickly opened it up. A picture of a man rested at the top of the paper. A gold chain laced around his neck, a red turtleneck tight around his body. A dragon tattoo ran up his neck and onto his face.

Name: Richard Leveni
Height: 5"11
Weight: 285
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown

    "When do I leave?" I said my eyes not leaving the photo. I took in every detail of him. He had a bulky build. Very strong but didn't seem that fast. 

"In an hour."

I nodded. "Hail Hydra." I said walking out.

"Hail Hydra." He called after me.

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