Part 3: Recognization.

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Papyrus sighed slowly as he walked home from his boring post back in the forest, as he thought about his poor brother recently. He held a cigarette between two fingers of his left hand, occasionally taking a puff. He decided to take the long way home, considering he had a few things on his mind.

He began to think about his brother. How he'd been acting. In his room, not being the way he used to be.. It just wasn't like him. He used to be so hyper, energetic.. Now he hardly ever got out. He just wished he knew why..

As the thoughts filled his head, he walked towards Muffet's, a tavern he usually went to when he needed to take a chill pill. Perhaps Muffet would have some information for him.

Papyrus walked into the pastry bar, glancing around at his friends. A few of which he greeted, as he went up to the counter to his usual seat. He sat up and put his hands on the table, trying to relax a bit. Muffet approached soon afterwards, scoffing lightly. "Hmph.. And what have I said about smoking in here, Papyrus? You should know better, ahuhu~!" She chuckled a little, pouring him a glass of honey. His favorite.

Pap gave a little hum as he glanced down, seeming to have forgotten he even had the cigarette in his hand in the first place. He grunted and chuckled under his breath, putting it out on the counter and shoving the remains into his pocket to toss later. "Ah.. Sorry, Muffs. Just.. Got a lot on my mind lately." He then leaned forwards a little, grabbing his cup of honey to drink some of it.

Muffet sighed somewhat, picking up a leftover glass from a monster who had left a bit ago, beginning to lightly clean it with a washcloth. "Ohh, I hear you.. Is it about Sans? How is he doing?"

Papyrus hummed a little again in response, looking into the glass of honey and thinking for a moment. "Well.. He's talking less and less. Really starting to worry about him.." He sighed slowly, closing his eyes. Though, he opened his eyes when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Muffet gave a little smile and tilted her head, before letting him go and proceeding to clean the cup she had. "I'm sure he's gonna come around, dearie. Soon, he'll be right back to normal. Just as long as you're there for him, he'll know you care."

Papyrus lingered on those words for a moment, putting his head in his hand as he sighed. Be there for him.. damn, he did need to do that, didn't he? Sans wouldn't let him in his room.. But he had to know what was going on... "Ah, uh, Muffet?" He spoke up, glancing up at the spider baker again.

Muffet glanced up, to which Papyrus sat up slightly. "Have you heard anything about Alphys? How is she?" He tilted his head, drinking more of his honey. As if it was something normal to drink..

Muffet hummed a little as she thought, setting the glass back on top of one of the cup towers on a rack below the counter. "Well.. I haven't heard too much about Alphys these days.. Still the captain of the guard i'd assume. Though, I did hear she had stopped training Sans.." she shrugged, going off to serve someone else.

Stopped training Sans? Since when did that happen? Ever since he stopped showing up? It sounded off. And he didn't believe it, not for one second. He had to dig deeper into this...

He quickly drank up the rest of his cup of honey, put it down on the table, and got himself up. He was going to have a little chat with Alphys...

Meanwhile, Sans had been sitting in the corner of his room thinking about things. He stared down at his phone, that of which he had pushed away from himself prior. He slightly wiped a few tears as he sniffled a little. All he could think about was the sudden change that his "friend" Alphys had texted him just a few minutes ago.

The texts were foul. Name calling, violent threats, you name it. And it terrified him. And he didn't even know what he had done to deserve all of this. He just wanted it all to end. He slowly began to let his tears roll down his face as he looked up at his ceiling. He gulped slightly, sighing shakily.

No. There was no escape from this. He just couldn't tell his brother, what would he think? Would he call him weak and annoying too? Useless and stupid? He didn't know. He missed his brother.. But he couldn't go out. Not after what he did to his arms and legs... Not after knowing what he was in his friends eyes.

He slowly lowered his head as he let his tears fall into his baggy clothing, his sockets had bags under them, and his pupils were dull. All he wanted was for this to end.. Maybe he really should take Alphys' advice.

Just give up.

(Hello! I will work on this again as well, so many of you enjoyed the previous parts, and I am now active again! Hope you enjoyed, stay tuned! Interesting occurrences await!)

The Lies Unturned. (Depressed Underswap!Sans)Where stories live. Discover now