Part 1: When Everything Changed.

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One fateful day while the skeleton brothers were doing their thing, the usually happy go lucky and confident Sans had.. Something stuck on his mind.

He had just gotten home from work, happening to notice his taller brother, Papyrus, sleeping on the couch. While on any regular day he would have woken him, he decided against it. Instead, Sans sighed slowly and opted to begin heading to his room. He had.. Something to ponder.

Just around an hour or two ago, the small skeleton happened to listen in on a conversation that the royal guard captain Alphys and Queen Toriel were having. Unintentionally of course, he'd merely been walking by the throne room at the time.. regardless, He couldn't help but recognize his name amidst the talk.

So surely, that gave him the right to listen in, right?

At first, Sans heard the queen, Toriel. "Well, im not so sure Sans would be able to handle it either.. I would hate to have him be hurt in the process.. perhaps this job is not cut out for him after all?" The queen sighed under her breath, seeming regretful to come to this conclusion..

Then, Alphys spoke up afterwards.. She seemed less regretful, more like exasperated and relieved to have an excuse to just get rid of poor Sans.. a severely harsh thing to hear for him came out of her mouth. "That's exactly why I fear to actually make him a part of the royal guard. He'd get himself killed out there, he's just too nice."

Too nice.
Too nice.

That was it? That was the only reason? He wasn't allowed into the royal guard, his dream job, all because he was too nice. All of the work he did, training for months with Alphys, who he thought was a friend.. just for it to equal out to nothing at all?

Sans merely sighed slowly to himself, sitting down on his bed softly. The two blatantly talked about him behind his back.. Even the queen of the underground didn't believe in him.. because he was too nice? What a dreadful feeling it was, to be rejected.. a large part of his motivation died after overhearing that conversation.

Sans felt more and more upset, the more he thought about it. All of that effort that he would have put into trying to get into the guard, had he not heard those words.. Even if he managed to catch a human, it wouldn't have mattered. Not even in the slightest. He would have done it all for nothing..

And this was the very thing that arose a change in the way the poor skeleton behaved.

Now, Sans had been wearing sweaters, and he hadn't been going to work nor training.. As a matter of fact, he didn't feel much like doing anything at all. Papyrus obviously began to have a very awful feeling over that course of days..

His brother never acted like this before. He was always so cheery, and eager to get to work on time, even early if he wanted to.. He wasn't sure what was wrong with his brother. This was.. Very concerning.

Sans rarely ever came out of his room anymore too, and he really wasn't sure what to think. Yet, the only thing that came through to his mind..

Was Sans okay?

The Lies Unturned. (Depressed Underswap!Sans)Where stories live. Discover now