Part 2: Support.

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Papyrus had began to get very concerned over the past couple of days. He really wasn't sure what to think of the sudden change in Sans' demeanor. There simply had to be something going on with him.. Something he really needed to get to the bottom of.

Sans was at the point of just staying in his room, the only time he ever really came out was for a small while, to get a couple bags of chips. And teleport right back into his room.
Papyrus wasn't feeling good about this. He had to know what was going on. He had to help his brother in some way.

Sans sat alone on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. He wished he could be in the royal guard, he always did.. Now it was impossible. All because he was simply too nice.. Too nice. The words of his trainer were going to repeat in his head for a while.. Probably the rest of his life.

The short skeleton merely didn't care if he got a human anymore.. Why would it matter? If he were to capture a human, Alphys would just take it and he wouldn't get any credit for it.. No fans, no recognition.. Not even Papyrus would care, now that he thought about it. What did it matter?

Papyrus was then heard knocking on the door. "Bro, are you alright in there? I haven't seen you in a while.." Sans sighed quietly, looking down and sniffling quietly. He wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his sweater, looking up at the door.

There was no way he could just let his brother hear him in this state.. or see him like this.. He didn't want him to worry. He decided to come up with some kind of excuse as to why his voice sounded exhausted.. "D- uh... Don't you worry about me, Paps... Im just feeling sick..!"

Sans had.. lied. He never lied. He always told the truth.. He was always honest. Especially to his brother of course, but.. He really just didn't want Papyrus worrying about him. Why should he anyway..?

Papyrus sighed slowly, looking down at the floor. Well.. He never knew his brother to lie. But if it came to be too long.. "Alright, Sans.. Well, you let me know if you need anything, alright? I'll be out here." He sighed a little, beginning to walk back down the stairs.

Sans gave a weak sigh of relief as he lowered the small knife he'd been using on his arms. He was glad he got Papyrus off of his back, but he hated to have to lie like that.. Why was Papyrus worrying about him? It just didn't make any logical sense to him.. He.. knew he wasn't strong enough, right?

Papyrus was going to have to get in there at some point. He just couldn't leave Sans in there, what if it was something worse than sickness? He truly missed the happy little ray of sunshine he cared so much about.. Papyrus couldn't just ignore the fact that his brother was cooped up in his room all the time..

At some point, he had to know what was really happening. Sans just couldn't stay sick forever.

The Lies Unturned. (Depressed Underswap!Sans)Where stories live. Discover now