Part 5: Covered up.

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   As Papyrus began to finally head home, feeling rather bad for taking so long, he thought about how his brother was doing. He was worried about him, so he began to pick up his pace in his steps a bit.

He began to open the door, yawning slowly and rubbing his eyes a bit. As he shut the door, he heard from the kitchen the sound of a... Knife dropping to the floor?

Sans had been inspecting the sharp array of knives that were in the kitchen, though he immediately dropped the one in his hand to the floor once he heard the door open and shut. He gulped slightly and quickly turned around, putting his arms behind his back.

He didn't expect him to come home at all..

Papyrus grunted and walked into the kitchen, slowly raising an eyebrow at his smaller brother, in a long sleeve black sweater, a knife on the floor beside him...

Sans smiled and raised his arms up, gulping slightly. Here goes the fake spiel.. "PAPYRUS! Why did you take so long to get home?? You had me worried sick, and I was about to try to make dinner myself!" He put his hands on his hips, which seemed to wipe the worry from Papyrus' face. Phew..

The taller lazy skeleton smiled a little and shoved his hands into his pockets as he walked up to Sans. "Aw, bro.. Looks like you're feelin' better today. I missed ya. I just had a few extra places to go today, that's all.. I'll make dinner today, don't you worry."

Sans chuckled his usual way, crossing his arms. "Right! And you'd better not make a mess, brother!" He grinned, though it was a bit shaky.

The tall skeleton leaned down and picked up the knife off of the ground, putting it back into the knife holder it went in. "Alright, bro.. You go relax, I'll have it ready soon." He sighed out, going to the fridge. Maybe he was worrying over nothing...

The small skeleton began walking out of the kitchen, gulping slightly and holding his wrist. He was lucky that he wore the black sweater today, otherwise the marrow would be showing through it. He knew he had to keep up the act..

Sans knew he couldn't just return to his room. He had to hold up the act of being better. He waddled to sit on the couch, his hands shaking. He was worried. One wrong move, and his brother would find out.. and he didn't want him to worry about him.

Papyrus yawned slowly as he made him and his brother some tacos, slicing up some tomatoes, lettuce, everything else that usually went in them.

While the lazy skeleton did so, he continued thinking about what Muffet said. 'Just as long as you're there for him, he'll know you care.' Ugh.. He really hadn't been there for him lately, had he? Maybe he needed to work harder.

The tall skeleton finished up the tacos, and began to bring Sans' plate to him. He then sat next to his brother on the couch, looking up at the TV and grabbing the remote.

Sans sat up and smiled again, beginning to eat his tacos as he watched TV. Napstablook's show was on, of course. As it always was.

It gave the small skeleton a bit of time to think about things. He was glad he was able to keep what he was really doing a secret. He just didn't want his brother to worry about him so much..

But he knew he couldn't hold up this happy act for long. The words Alphys told him still lingered in his head, and they wouldn't leave. He just hated knowing what he was really thought of as.. A weak skeleton, that was 'too nice'.

All he ever wanted was to make people happy while he protected who he loved and cared about the most. But after hearing the words.. Even by the queen herself.. He wished it could end.

Papyrus glanced down at his brother, slightly raising an eyebrow at his distressed face. "Uh.. Bro? You doin' alright? I didn't make em bad, did I?" He tilted his head, referring to the tacos.

Sans' eyes widened a bit and he looked up at Papyrus, chuckling and giving a grin. "Oh, no!! I was just remembering how upset Alphys must have been waiting for me to get back to training! She was probably worried!" He gulped, knowing Alphys was the source of his problem..

Pap smiled a bit, reaching up to pat Sans' shoulder slightly. "I actually spoke to Alphys just today, she was worried about you. Guess you're eager and ready to go as always now, yeah?"

The small skeletons heart sunk. Oh.. Alphys was lying as well. Because of course she was... Because of course she was.

"O-Oh, that's great! Can't wait to see her!" He laughed, looking down at his last taco to eat it. He hardly wanted to eat anymore. The thought of Alphys lying like that while he knew what she did, it made him sick..

Papyrus sighed a little and leaned back on the couch, yawning slowly. He slowly began to fall asleep, his eyes eventually closing. And a bit after that, a snore emitted from him.

Sans was rather relieved when his brother fell asleep, and he slowly slid himself off of the couch and set his plate on the table. He was hating the thought of having to go back to training.. He dreaded it.

But then he remembered... Why not just.. not go? Sure, he could leave the house and pretend, but why didn't he just.. sneak into the forest instead... Yes, that's just what he would do.

The skeleton began slumping his way up the stairs, gulping and feeling tears well up inside of him.. But nothing came out. Like he had no tears left to cry. He just felt tired...

As Sans glanced back behind him to take a glimpse at his brothers sleeping figure on the couch, he took a moment to regret not telling him how he felt... Not getting help.

But then he remembered what Alphys told him. No one would want him. He should really just give up. He turned his head away, shutting the door to his room after going in. No one could burden the pain he felt. None other than himself.

The Lies Unturned. (Depressed Underswap!Sans)Where stories live. Discover now