Part 4: Curiosity.

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   As Papyrus headed towards Alphys' house in Waterfall, glancing around at the leaves falling around him. He honestly wasn't sure why he didn't stick around this place more often. It was so beautiful...

   Though, the closer he got to Alphys' house, the more he had to think.. How would he bring this situation up? Sure, there was something going on.. But he couldn't just storm in there pointing fingers. That was never his style anyway...

   Lay low until there's enough evidence.. That sounded about right. He walked up to the door and sighed slowly, shoving one hand into his pocket while the other lightly knocked on the door.

   Alphys, who had been on her phone the entire time, glanced up after finishing up one more 'little harmless text' to Sans. "One second!!" She shouted, setting her phone down on her couch before walking up to the door. She was a little shocked though, as she looked up and saw Papyrus.

   "Well, it's not usual that I see you, Papyrus.. What brings you here??" Alphys chuckled, to which Papyrus simply hummed under a sigh. "Hello. My bro hasn't been turning up for work, so sorry about that.. I wanted to ask why you haven't been trying to get him in on training yourself."

   The yellow lizard cleared her throat and sighed somewhat, turning away and walking further inside. "Well.. it's mostly just because he hasn't been answering my texts. I would've thought you would know what's been wrong with him."

   Papyrus sighed again, putting both hands into his pockets before his other pulled out a cigarette to light and smoke. "Ah. I see.. He hasn't been leaving his room lately. And his door's been locked."

Alphys chuckled a bit and scratched at the scar over her eye slightly, reaching to pick up her phone. "Well, the last text I got from him was him mentioning that he felt sick.." She looked down at her phone, as Papyrus shook his head a little.

  Of course, still sick... He just couldn't believe that anymore. Not after this long. He hated to distrust his brother, but he couldn't trust anything right now. Not until he got a gist of what was going on..

"Yes, that's.. What he told me. But he wouldn't let me see him..." He mumbled, leaning against the doorframe a bit. To which Alphys shook her head, smiling a little. "Well, he's always welcome back when he gets better! I'm still here!"

The tall slim skeleton hummed a little before he sat himself back up, sticking the cigarette into his mouth. "Mm.. Alright. I just thought I'd let you know." He really had to get home.. He turned around, slightly waving to Alphys as he walked off..

Little did he know....


Sans gripped his arms as he sat in the living room on the couch, his thoughts fully clouding his mind. His arms, his wrists.. they dripped marrow underneath his sleeves. He had just finished the ugliest session of cutting he'd ever done to this point. So.. Deep.

The small skeleton wasn't sure why his brother wasn't home yet. It was stressing him out.. At least when he was in his room alone, he knew he was somewhere in the house.. But now? It had been hours since Papyrus' shift was meant to end. Where was he? Did he leave him? Did he forget about him?

He probably found some newer cooler version of him. One that wasn't too nice. Honestly, the thought of that just made him want to hurt his body more. He was getting more and more weak, and less and less sleep.

His body could hardly take it anymore. He felt terrible. Those texts that Alphys had sent him... He believed them. All the things she said.. That was clouding his mind along with Papyrus not being home. Honestly, now would be the time to end it all.. Now would be the time he could finish all this pain, just for being too nice.... Once and for all.

Not like anyone would miss him anyways.
At least, that's what Sans thought.

The Lies Unturned. (Depressed Underswap!Sans)Where stories live. Discover now