Part 9: Desperation to SAVE.

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Papyrus could hardly contain his heavy breaths as he ran as fast as he possibly could. He didn't have any time to waste. Considering how far Alphys' house was from their own, this would take a while..

But he couldn't wait, not at all. He didn't care if he ran out of breath, he didn't care if his legs hurt from too much exercise. He didn't even care if he knocked anyone over right now. He had no time for anything.

Nothing but hoping that he wasn't too late.

The shorter brother stared outside, at the snowstorm that was currently ongoing. The dark sky with the flowing snow... It made him reminisce about everything up to this point.

He wished he could have done more.. But considering how weak he was, with a single health point... And no iron will. Alphys was right... And he probably wouldn't get stronger. There was no way he could beat a human...

Sans gripped the rope before him with both hands, slowly sliding it around his neck. Papyrus would be happy, if he wasn't there. He worried too much anyhow... And in Sans' opinion, he was quite sure that he stressed his brother out.

What with all the times he told him not to sleep, or when he forced him to work when he was sick... How could he do that to him? What was wrong with him?

As the short skeleton looked down at the chair, he found that he couldn't even cry anymore. No tears welled up, like he had none left. It was all just... Empty.

Sans gulped a little, closing his sleepless eyes and aggressively kicking the chair back.

And when Sans hung, he tried to choke and gasp for air. This felt nothing like he had expected- He almost regretted it. Honestly, maybe that knife was the way to go out... Yikes, this hurt.

But progressively, the skeleton began to black out slightly. This might be for the best.. After all, who would miss him..?





But suddenly, Sans took a huge gasp of air when he was lifted up by something unknown to him at the moment. Shortly after, he was forced into a big hug.

It was Papyrus. And as the taller brother of the two landed on his back on the ground, he protectively held his brother and breathed harshly and heavily.

He made it.

Sans finally regained a bit of his vision, glancing over at his door... He swore that he had locked it beforehand, but.. now that he noticed, there was a huge hole in it. Papyrus had kicked and forced it open.

That's right, Papyrus... Sans slowly looked up at his brother, his throat too sore to speak to him.. but instead of any talking, he instead lowered his head, and buried it into his brothers shoulder.

Sans sobbed. He couldn't believe that he was about to go through with that. His arms were burning from those slices now... His neck burned from when he struggled on the rope... He even still choked and coughed throughout his sobs.

Papyrus had started crying by this point. He was usually rather strong and didn't cry easily, but he had just saved his brother from committing suicide. He gripped Sans tightly in his arms, not willing to let go of him any time soon.

How could he not have noticed the signs earlier? He should have known... Why didn't he know?

But after that, Papyrus had a game plan. He knew exactly what he had to do. He wasn't ever going to let Sans get like that again. Had he known sooner, he could've prevented all of this from happening. Why didn't he know from the beginning?

Papyrus eventually stood up, not even bothering to ask Sans about any of what he went through yet. That would be far too much. Instead, he walked to Sans' bed, setting him down on it.

"I need... I need you to- to rest, Sans.. You need sleep." The taller skeleton sighed, glancing back at the mess around the room.. he'd have to take the liberty of cleaning around all this.

Sans grunted shakily and coughed a little more, little sobs that sounded like apologies still emitted from him. Still, no tears came out. Sans felt terrible. How did Papyrus find out? Why was he so worried? It all made no sense to him..

After Papyrus lifted the blanket to put over his brother, he then turned around to start picking up and taking things. The rope, the knife, the phone... Two of which he planned on throwing away and burning. He had to check Sans' phone though... For his brothers own good. He couldn't just let Sans get any more ideas like that...

He had to protect him.

Papyrus walked out of the room, tears staining his face. He couldn't help but blame himself, now. And when he threw away those two traumatic items, he walked to find the bandages they kept for emergencies.

He already knew what Sans had likely done with that knife. He would know... Because Papyrus himself had done it before.


A long time ago from now, Papyrus hadn't been feeling the greatest. If anything, he felt like he wasn't good enough for his older brother. He was always lazing about... And he felt like he needed to be punished more for it. So, he hurt himself. Only occasionally, and Sans never noticed.

Over time though, Papyrus cut that out. He realized how supportive his small brother was. He looked to see the good side of things... And that's what stopped him.


Papyrus walked back into Sans' room, going to lightly grab his brothers arms. As he pulled up his sleeves, he stared for a moment. He had a very short flashbacks of his own arms that were nearly identical to his brothers now. He gulped slightly, being careful not to wrap too tightly as he began to fix up the one arm.

Sans had already passed out from exhaustion by then. So it was rather easy to wrap the other arm with no trouble. After the tall skeleton finally finished, he sighed slowly in relief. He glanced out the window before walking towards it. He stared outside, at the snowstorm....


Kindness was always the answer.

The Lies Unturned. (Depressed Underswap!Sans)Where stories live. Discover now