Part 7: Breaking point.

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Sans slowly let his sockets open again, after.. who knows how long, and he began to look around for a moment, despite his vision being a little hazy. How long had he been out for... The short skeleton huffed shakily as he went to sit up, but the pressure on his arm made him wince in pain.

Yikes... As Sans looked down at his arm, he soon realized.. his arm was snapped. He didn't remember hardly anything that happened before he passed out, so his immediate reaction was to..

Well.. as the small skeleton tried to cry, still nothing would come out. He gritted his teeth and slowly reached over to grab his arm tightly in his other hand. He curled up a little afterwards, wishing he could end his suffering already.

Sans had little to no motivation now, and he just- wanted to be dead. He couldn't bear the thought of anything.. especially how weak he felt for wanting to cry from the agonizing pain in his broken arm. He could hear crunching of snow in the distance, progressively getting closer..

Papyrus nearly fell as he kneeled onto the ground next to his poor brother, with a very confused, yet terrified look on his face..

How did it come to this...

Just a moment before, the tall and lazy skeleton had been worried all the same.. Sans still wasn't back from home yet, despite it already being 12 minutes passed when he was meant to be.

Papyrus had automatically assumed that his shorter brother was just working overtime as usual. But a brotherly sense kicked in, and he could tell something was wrong.

As the lanky skeleton walked out of the house, he happened to notice his brother  sitting in the snow while he was on his way towards the forest.

He immediately rushed over to his aid, lightly grabbing his brother's arm.. "Sans? Are- Are you alright? What happened, can you tell me what happened??" He started, before he was suddenly caught off guard.

Sans looked up at his brother with a grin on his face, and he gave a fake little chuckle. "Mweh heh! There you are, Paps!" He took a shaky deep breath. Deep down, Sans knew it was wrong to lie to his brother. It felt horrible.

But the short skeleton couldn't have his younger brother worried about him... No matter how much more mature he was. And he figured, if Papyrus checked his arm under that sleeve, he'd see those scars and cuts up and down his arms... He couldn't bare to see his brother's reaction to them.

Papyrus' expression was now filled with confusion, as he slightly sat up. "Eh? Wha.. What're you doin' out in the snow, bro?" He changed his demeanor. Did he really not just see his brother curled up and scared? Maybe it was all just his paranoia....

The smaller brother began to sit up properly, but his hand remained holding his arm together. If he just looked like he was holding his sleeve, Papyrus wouldn't see his broken arm. "Well, I got home early, and teleported to my room! Buut, I ended up teleporting to the wrong spot after leaving my room! And uh.. Guess I sprained my ankle.."

Sans put on a little fake pout, glancing down at his foot. Papyrus seemed a bit more confused. Then.. Why was Sans still in that sweater..? He decided instead to ask that question later.

"Well.. Alright bro, if you say so. Here, I gotcha.. let's get you to your room so you can rest your foot..." The tall skeleton smiled a little to reassure his brother, and he picked him up in his arms to bring him inside..

Sans gritted his teeth as he rested his head against his brothers shoulder, and he gulped under his breath. That was close. Luckily he couldn't bring himself to cry anymore, but.. boy did it hurt just holding his arm together. He could feel old cuts starting to open back up. He was lucky this was a black sweater.

As Papyrus went into Sans' room, he set his bro down on his bed and grabbed a spare pillow to put under his legs. "There we go... Uh.. Hey bro?" He looked up at Sans, who was still oddly holding his arm.

In the moment, the short skeleton was mentally terrified. He had to prepare for the worst questions, and find excuses as quick as he could... "Yeah Paps?"

The tall skeleton took a deep breath and he kneeled down a bit, patting his brothers head a bit to ease him. "Well.. recently I've just been worried about you.. You haven't been much like yourself, and I'm just making sure you're okay.. So.. Are you okay, bro?"

Sans had a moment of silence as he stared at Papyrus. He didn't know what to say at first. Would Paps really understand if he told him how he felt..? If he told him what Alphys did to him?


No. No way. He just couldn't bring himself to make Papyrus worry. Why would he do that to him? It could just be his head talking, but he couldn't. "What are you talking about, Papyrus! I'm great!" He grinned, shifting a little to have one foot resting on the pillow now.

With that, the taller brother provided a bit of a sigh in relief. And he stood up again. "Well, I'm glad you're doing alright. I'm gonna go downstairs and make some tacos, alright?" He sighed, shoving his hands into his hoodie pockets.

Sans nodded quickly, and as his brother finally left the door, his expression dropped entirely. His eyes half-lidded as he glanced down at his broken arm, slowly moving his hand. It hurt. But... Somehow less than that first time he ever made a scratch on his arm.

The skeleton was stopped from his track of thought as he heard his phone buzz. He looked over, slowly reaching for it with his good hand. He stared at it as he practically felt the color drain from his eyes. His expression dull.


Because of course it was. As Sans opened the voicemail to listen to it, he felt his body sinking slowly into his bed. He felt... Numb.

The voicemail played as follows.
"Alright... So. You can't even show up to practice now, can you? What, did you lose motivation? Or did you just realize you weren't good enough. Took you a while. Well.. With that being said, you're kicked out of royal guard training. Queen Toriel helped me make the decision herself. Good luck explaining that to your brother. If you can't do it, I'll do it myself. See ya never, nerd."



Sans had dropped the phone next to him after clicking the button to make the screen go black. He stared at his ceiling, finding no motivation to even move. As his sockets became empty, he laid in the silence.

Why did he even bother.

The Lies Unturned. (Depressed Underswap!Sans)Where stories live. Discover now