Part 6: A fake out.

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As Papyrus slowly began to wake up from his slumber, he groaned and realized he had woken up much too late... Jeez, what time was it? The tall skeleton sat up and wiped his eyes with his sleeve, going to pull out his phone with his other hand..

He soon recognized that Sans would already be at work by now... But wouldn't he have.. woken him up first? Especially after falling asleep on the couch, or- "napping", rather. He was quite concerned why his older brother hadn't awoken him.

Meanwhile, Sans had woken up on time... But he couldn't find the motivation in himself to sit up. He had lost a sense of feeling as soon as his eyes opened, and he'd been staring at the ceiling for a few minutes now..

Honestly.... What was the point in getting out of bed? He thought to himself, as he slowly slid his shoulders back. But he snapped out a little when he remembered his own brother. How could he forget? What was wrong with him?

He then felt a rush of an emotion. He was terrified. The scars, up and down his arms... He couldn't just- put that embarrassing "battle body" back on now. Every inch of them would show. They would start bleeding if he even tried putting it on.

In the moment, he remembered his original idea. Why couldn't he just... Not go? But his brother was likely still on that couch.. Oh, and he could imagine if he woke up, wondering why he wasn't woken up at the same time..

Though for a quick moment, Sans had a rush of an idea once he started hearing footsteps on the stairs. While they might not be real, and simply in his head from the adrenaline rush of fear and anxiety, he put the plan immediately into action.

Papyrus however, really had been walking up the stairs. Considering he had woken up at a good time, he decided to take Muffet's advice to him. He was going to check his brother's room to make sure he hadn't accidentally slept in. For all he knew, Sans might not be feeling better at all.

Though, as the tall and lazy skeleton gently opened the door, he looked around the room... Empty. Seemed to him that Sans had taken a teleport route to Alphys' house for training... Which was.. Unusual, but not too out of the ordinary.

And, as Papyrus scanned the room, the smaller skeleton was hanging on for life on his windowsill outside. His intentions by this were simple. Get out of his room without Pap seeing him. And yet... It was such a hard task, being as weak as he was now.

During the moment, Sans could admit mentally that he was a little scared. But something in his mind reminded him... Why waste time? Just let go of the windowsill... Maybe from this height, you'll lose your single HP and die.

The thought of it made Sans' eyes go dim, and while he heard Papyrus shut the door to his room, he came to a conclusion. Honestly.. his brother probably would be better off if he was gone.

That was what Alphys said. And even the queen herself thought it was true. And though he never heard it from her himself, it had to be what she was thinking.

While he dreaded the thought, it must be true if so many people didn't care for him. As Sans took a slow, deep breath, feeling every sense in his body leave him, he..
let his fingers slip away from the window.




As the short skeleton slowly began to lose consciousness, he gave a shortlived smile. Until he realized the pain was only in his arm... He had only broken the bone on his arm. His HP stopped at 0.7 out of 1.

In the remaining period of time, Sans was out, and his smile was gone. He was only passing out.... He was still dreadfully alive.

Papyrus yawned slowly as he walked back downstairs, figuring he'd go find a honey bottle in the fridge before he would head back to sleep, and he began to think back for a minute.

A few signs had been showing up left and right. If anything, he had been having this very strange feeling for a long, long time now. It certainly wasn't a good feeling.

The tall skeleton felt he had to get a grip on things, and figure out where the feeling came from. Perhaps it was... Sans? But any time he talked to him recently, he seemed totally fine, just how he used to be really.

But he just couldn't put his finger on it. It really was eating away at him. Papyrus headed back to the couch as he finished grabbing his honey bottle from the fridge, and as he opened it, he heard an odd pop noise from outside.

Well, that was strange. Perhaps he was hearing things... Or maybe it was the honey bottle. Nonetheless, he thought nothing more of it, and he sat back on the couch. Perhaps soon, he'd go back to Muffet's and try to relax again. Honestly, it seemed like the only chill place around here.

For now though, this honey bottle was really the only thing on his mind... If only he knew.

The Lies Unturned. (Depressed Underswap!Sans)Where stories live. Discover now