Monster || Mermaid AU Part 3 || Final Part?

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Ignoring the listening of Jake, Henry swam until he could see land, there the little one could see Liam and someone else, curiosity got the best of him once again and he went to check it out.

L: "I'm telling you Drew, if it wasn't for Henry I would've been dead."

D: "I'm sure one of us would've saved you Liam."

L: "Drew, you guys didn't even realize I fell over board."

D: "Well, uh, whatever, what did this Henry fellow even look like?"

L: "Well he looked like, like that."

Liam pointed the Henry who was resting his hands on a rock, which spooked Drew a little.

H: "Uh, hey Liam."

L: "H-Hey Henry."

Drew could see both Liam and Henry turning a bit red, which resulted in Drew getting a bit upset.

D: "Um hey there, I'm Drew."

H: "Hello Drew, I'm Henry."

J: "And I'm Jake."

Henry turned around to see Jake right behind him, which made Henry scream a little.

H: "Uh, hey Jake, what're you doing here?"

J: "Just hanging with you and these guys."

H: "Um, ok."

There's a silence between the four of them before Jake stares at Drew and feels himself go red.

J: "Um hey, Drew is it?"

D: "Huh? Oh yeah, Jake right?" 

Jake and Drew give each other a handshake and a smile.

D: "Here, give me your hand, I'll help you out."

Jake doesn't give a second thought and decides to give Drew his hand, Henry stares at Jake's act confused, didn't he hate humans, why was Drew different? Henry put two and two together and got out of their way to see what would happen next, maybe he could get out and show Liam, maybe things would go ok.

Drew and Jake grip hands as Drew starts to lift Jake up, eventually, Jake's tail is revealed. Henry is excited and starts to get up to the surface, maybe he too could get up there. As soon as Jake's tail was revealed, Drew screamed, dropped Jake on the ground and both he and Liam moved back. Jake fell to the ground with an oof and Henry moved back.


With that single word, both Jake and Henry's heart broke.

Drew ran back while Liam stared at the two.

L: "A-A mermaid?.."

Henry was a bit confused by Liam's reaction, he seemed more fascinated than scared, suddenly, Drew came back, threw something at Jake and grabbed Liam's hand and they both ran away. Henry looked at Jake, who was screaming in agony as he was just speared through the chest.


Henry grabbed Jake in his arms and swam back down, he took him to the doctor of the sea and waited outside, hoping nothing bad had happened. The doctor walked over to Henry after awhile and delivered Henry the news.

H: "So Doc, will my friend be ok?"

The doctor looked at the ground and gave Henry a frown.

Doc: "The arrow pierced right through his heart so he was badly wounded, I'm sorry, but he's gone."

Henry stared at the doctor silently hoping he was just kidding.

H: "Wha-What..."

Doc: "I'm very sorry, we did all we could, you can go visit him if you wish."

The thoughts were too much for Henry to think about, his best friend was dead because of him, he killed him, eventually everything became too much and Henry passed out on the spot.

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