The Spotlight

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Day of band competition


Hailey POV:

I kept pacing back and forth back stage, band after band going, I knew I would have to go up there sooner or later but I felt so terrified. I know I had told people I was ready but that was very far from true, the spotlight still scared me a lot. I got anxious and decided to peak out to the audience through the curtains, I saw my family and a few other people who I was familiar with but no one really special.

"Hailey, it's almost time to go onstage."

I turned around to see Zander looking a bit worried, Zander always knew if I was uncomfortable and this was one of those times. He looked at me a bit longer before turning back around and walking away, once I knew he was gone I started to cry. My mascara started running down my face and my lipstick was starting to get wet, I didn't care, I just didn't want to do this, maybe things would be a lot easier if. My crying slowly down and I went over to a nearby mirror and looked into it, I looked at my disgusting face and the ugly outfit I had chosen, then my head started to remember what had happened two days before. All the words mixed in my mind and all became one word: failure, this continued for about a minute before I snapped, my hand molded into a fist and I stared at the mirror one last time before raising my hand up, screaming loudly and hit the mirror which made glass go everywhere, especially into my hand.


Zander's POV:

I walked away from Hailey who was clearly stressed, this is all that asshat's fault, if he has never said anything none of this would've happened. I could hear the audio replay in my head, we should be grateful huh? We did the right thing by kicking him out, I just wished it hadn't affected Hailey so badly. I made my way over to where Milly and Sean were and we all stared at each other with disappointment in our eyes.

"Well guys, are you ready for this?" Milly asked trying to break the silence.

"Ready as I'll ever be," Sean replied.

Both of them stared at me waiting to respond, my head was too full of thoughts to think so I just blurted out the first thing my mind was thinking.

"This is all his fault."

Milly and Sean both stared at me with confusion, Milly was about to say something when suddenly we all heard a loud yell followed by glass breaking, we all ran to where we heard the noise and found Hailey kneeling on the ground holding her hand which was bleeding. Sean helped Hailey up where I then examined her hand, there looked to be glass sticking there. Milly looked over at a broken mirror that Hailey had probably punched.

"Hailey, why the hell would you do that?!" I loudly asked. My sister could've been seriously hurt and I wanted to know why it had happened in the first place.

Hailey stared and all three of us then looked down and the ground to where the broken glass was, it was dead silent and by the time Luke got there Hailey has still not muttered a word. Luke, Sean and Milly walked over to an area and started talking about the situation whereas I stayed by Hailey's side incase something else would happen.


I got confused before realizing Hailey had said that. Jake? What the hell did she want with that douchebag?

"Hailey, what do you mean Jake?"

Hailey went silent again as I slowly started to panic about my sister, what did Jake have to do with any of what just happened. It was silent for some moments more until Hailey wrapped me into a sudden hug and started to cry into my jacket, it was totally getting ruined by her makeup but I didn't care, I wrapped my arms around Hailey as the other three watched from a distance.

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