I Love You...But Not Like That..

346 2 2

Type: Angst/Fluff

Ship(s): One Sided Drake

TW: None


The magenta haired boy strolled through the halls trying to search for his friends and escape the people around, he never liked talking to people but these few were an exception. He finally noticed the blonde haired boy laughing and talking to the red haired and green haired males, he gave a small smile and walked over to them.

"Hey guys!" Drew said a bit energetically.

Jake stopped his conversation and turned his head to face Drew, he had a smile stuck on his face from the joke Henry made.

"Oh, hey Drew!"

Drew felt his heart skip a beat and could feel himself blush a bit, he smiled back at him and decided to give him a hug. Liam and Henry gawker at the two while Jake was a bit surprised, this might be the first person besides his girlfriend who they've seen him hug, Jake ignored it and hugged the boy back. Drew felt himself blush more and rested his head into Jake's shoulder, it was nice and warm and felt right to him.

"Um, Drew?"

Drew snapped back to reality and pushed Jake away a bit, he felt like such an idiot.

"Shoot, s-sorry Jake."

"Heh, that's ok Drew."

Jake smiled once again and Drew stared into his eyes, his beautiful caramel eyes mesmerizing him and distracted him again. The bell ring which made Drew snap back again and Liam and Henry said bye and walked to their class leaving Jake and Drew alone.

"Well, guess we better get to class, cmon I'll walk with you."

Drew lost himself again and stared at Jake and blushed, he remembered all the times Liam and Henry teased him about liking Jake, he pretended to be annoyed but secretly liked it. Drew shook his head so he wouldn't get distracted again and began to walk with Jake.


Drew and Jake sat down at their seats right before the bell rang, they were in English class and were working on a presentation on what was special to them, Drew never liked having to present or write essays but he was particularly excited about this one, because for once he knew just who he wanted to write about.

"I met you when I was way younger, you were all alone and I felt bad for you, I didn't befriend you out of pity though, I did it because I wanted to, you were the first person to ever love me and for that I'm forever grateful. Now as we are older you're still the sweet and caring guy I knew before, your messy hair, the way you laugh, everything about you is special to me."

Drew stared at the words he wrote and let out a heavy sigh, he crumpled it up and was about to toss it when he felt something touch his hand, Jake was holding onto him for some reason.

"Hey, whatcha got there?"

"N-Nothing, it's stupid."

"Is it about the special thing essay?"

Drew stared a Jake for a bit, hopefully he hadn't seen him writing, if he was gonna tell Jake he didn't want to do it this way.

"Oh, yeah, but it's bad so I'm tossing it."

"Oh I'm sure it's great, here let me look."

Jake hand moved from Drew's and slowly made it's way to grab the paper, Drew tried stopping Jake but nothing worked, so with nothing else left to do Drew quickly slapped Jake's hand so he would leave it alone. Jake winced at the slap a bit before holding his slapped hand in his normal hand.

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