What's Wrong?

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Genre: Angst/Fluff

Ship(s): Drailey (Platonic), Lander (Platonic?)

TW: Stage fright


The act had just finished and the three were waiting backstage, the ginger was feeling a bit anxious but the purple haired boy managed to calm him down a bit, though happening on the other side of the place was a little teal haired girl was was more nervous than the ginger, she was confused though, she wanted to do this so why was she not excited anymore?

"Next, we have a performance from the very talented Luke Peterson, Alexander Wickham, and Hailey Austin!"

The three knew that meant it was their cue to walk onto the stage and preform their act, Luke would play drums, Zander would play piano and Hailey would sing, all three were musically talented but Luke and Zander knew when it came to music, Hailey was the know-it all. They all got their instruments ready and we're prepared to start, Hailey would lead them in then Snader then Luke, it would be a beautiful melody that people would hopefully enjoy but something was up, the girl who was meant to sing wasn't, her brother tired to tell her to sing so they could start but she wouldn't budge, instead she stared around the room and looked at the people staring at her.

She noticed a few people in the crowd, she mostly caught Zoey probably talking bad about her but then her eyes locked on a magenta haired boy who she had never really met before, she knew she had saw him a few times before but this was the first time she got a good glance and him, he seemed to be excited to hear the performance which made Hailey feel and bit better, but that feeling quickly disappeared when she locked back around at everyone else staring at her, it was all too much and she ran off stage into the hallway.


Hailey ran into the cold silent hallway and sat down next to a locker, she curled up into a ball and cried, it felt good to get away but she felt so embarrassed and upset about the situation she couldn't help but cry. She heard footsteps come her way but didn't bother looking up, she figured it was probably Zander or Luke coming to see what was up.

"Hey, are you ok? What's wrong?"

The voice didn't sound like anyone Hailey knew so she lifted her head from her knees and her eyes met with the chocolate brown eyes of the boy she saw before.

"Hey, you can tell me what's wrong, I won't judge."

Hailey couldn't bear it anymore, she leapt slight from her spot and clinged onto the the stranger hoping he would comfort her. He was a bit shocked at the sudden movement but decided to hold onto her and let her cry into his shoulder, just then, Zander and Luke rounded the corner and found Hailey with the boy. 

"Who the heck are you?"

The magenta haired figure whipped his head around to see Zander and Luke towering over him.

"Uh, I-I'm Drew."

"Well Drew, can you get off my sister so I can help her?"

"Um, ok."

Drew was bit upset with the rudeness of the purple haired fellow but listened to him and started to get up, suddenly he felt a tug on his shirt and he was back down in his knees.

"No, please don't go yet."

"Um, ok, I-I won't."

They stayed like that for a few minutes until Hailey finally let out one last sniff and got up on her feet, Drew followed.

"Hailey, what happened back there? Are you feeling well?"

"I-It's not that Zander, i-i-it's just everyone was looking and whispering and it was just.."

Hailey started to cry again and this time Zander wrapped her in a hug, Luke also was patting Hailey's shoulder while Drew stood there a bit awkward, he started to walk away.

"It's Drew, isn't it?

Drew stopped in his tracks and turned around to see who asked that more clearer.

"Um, y-yeah."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Hailey."

Hailey walked up to him and held her hand out hoping Drew would shake it, he stared at it a little before give Hailey's hand a shake.

"That's Zander and him over there is Luke."

Drew stared between the two of them before they both walked up to him.

"Hello Drew, nice to meet you."

"Hi Drew."

"Hey Drew, wanna come over to house after school?"

Drew was a bit shocked, no one ever invited him over to their house before.

"Really? Oh uh, s-sure!"


"But wait, Hailey we still have to discuss-"

"We'll talk about it later Zander, right now we have to welcome our new friend!

Drew have a small smile when Hailey called him a friend, he's never really had friends before so he was happy to have three new ones.

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