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Eddie's POV

It's a boring ass Friday afternoon. Jeff and Gareth are at my house, we're all smoking. "We should do something." I groan passing the joint to Garth.

"We haven't been to Red Light Records in a minute." Jeff responds to me. I think about it for a moment.

"Let's go get food, then go there." Garth speaks up.

"Sounds like a plan." I saying getting up from the couch.


We're broke as fuck so we just grab go through McDonalds drive through and order off the value menu. I'm driving towards the mall stuffing my face with a McDouble.

Once we arrive we get out the van and make our way to the record store. We spend a lot of time here. It's something to do that's free.

We walk into the store and that's when I notice who I think is Emily but maybe not cause I just saw her yesterday and her hair was pass her hips. This girls hair barley passes her shoulders.

"Stop. I think that's Emily." I whisper it Garth and Jeff.

"Really? Ain't no way." Garth responds, "Are you gonna say hi to her?"

"No I shouldn't. I wouldn't want to upset Dustin. Plus let's be for real for a moment, a girl like her wouldn't want anything to do with me." I sigh, at this point we walk past her and it's definitely her. She must of got a hair cut, it suits her.

"When have you ever cared to upset Dustin?" Jeff chimes in.

"Also, you never know until you try." Garth adds to Jeff's statement.

"I guess you guys are right." I look back at her and it seems she still hasn't noticed us yet, "Fuck it. I'm going to talk to her." They start to cheer me on, "Shut up. I need you guys to fuck off somewhere else." I shoo them away.

Before I can think about what I'm gonna say I blurt out, "Emily is that you?" She looks up from what she's doing and looks towards me.

"How do you know my name, Eddie?" She grins, putting the record back where she found it. I may of liked it a little too much when she said my name.

"Dustin told me." I respond.

"Oh our brother?" She laughs at her own joke.

"You got jokes, huh?"

"Perhaps. Why were you guys talking about me?" She asks and I don't know what to say.

"Just curious."

"Hmph." She says and I make my way closer to her.

"What are looking at?" I ask her trying to continue the conversation.

"This." She says showing me the record she had in her hand previously.

"What you know about KISS?" I ask her.

"Absolutely nothing," She admits, "The cover looks cool."

"It's a great album, ten out ten recommend. Do you have a record player?" I ask.

"I wish but no. I'll keep that in mind though."

"You could always come over to mine. I have a record player, hundreds of records. They were my dads." I tell her shocked at how bold that was. Past Eddie would of had no problem asking a girl to come over but she makes me feel different.

"Hmm maybe one day. Do you know those guys?" She points behind me. I turn to see Garth and Jeff failing at pretending to not be listening to us.

"Unfortunately yes." I groan in annoyance.

"Well there doing a bad job at trying to go unnoticed while listening in on our conversation."

"I see that," There's a bit of an silence and I break it, "Did you get hair cut?"

"Yes." She's kinda shy, quiet, doesn't have a lot to say. I hope that changes soon. I want to get to know her.

"I like it, looks good." I admit, it suits her very well.

"Thanks." Her face turns red, she's blushing. Oh my god, "Do you know the time?" She asks changing the subject.

I look down at my phone, "It's almost two."

"Oh I gotta go meet my Mom soon." She's looking towards the front of the store, "She told me to meet her back at the front at two." Im bummed she has to leave so soon.

"It was nice seeing you brother." She smirks.

"You're never gonna let me forget that are you?" I jokingly roll my eyes at her.

"No." She laughs which causes me to laugh.

"It was actually nice see you though, bye Eddie." She walks off.

Almost immediately Jeff and Garth approach me before she can leave the store. "You both ruined everything."

"Nah I think you did that by simply existing." Jeff says and Garth laughs.

"Shut up." I go in to fake punch Jeff without actually making contact and he flinches.

"Sheesh, just joking." He hold his arm in the air in an I'm not guilty kind of way.

"Whatever." I huff.

"My favorite part was when you basically asked her out and she said maybe." They both start laughing.

"If you guys keep this up I'm letting you walk home."

"Ok fine we'll shut up." Garth speak for them both.

"Thank you."


Later that night I'm laying in bed alone, the sound of music quietly playing in the background. Just reliving seeing Emily over and over again in my head. Thinking of things I should of said instead and how next time Garth and Jeff need to be no where near us.

After today she probably thinks I'm a freak. She's probably right.

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