Chapter 21 : Pregnant

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Naina's lips burned in shame and guilt as if she had been nearly caught with her arm in a jar full of forbidden sweets. Yet it wasn't sweets that her lips had touched. She had been kissed by her best friend, or rather, her ex-best friend since she didn't trust him anymore. At all.

"All okay?" Ahanay's face appeared before her and Naina quickly nodded, the shame searing on her lips like a slow-cooked barbecue.

"What's this dinner for?"

"An important deal," Ahanay said, his face stoic.

"Does that mean more money?" He shrugged as if money was the least important thing to him. "Awesome! With a pretty wife by your side, consider the deal closed."

"Will you help me then?"


"By being by my side," he said, his hand wrapping around her waist as his head buried somewhere in her hair. "My pretty, little demon."

Woah. What was wrong with him? But then again, she oozed sex appeal in this silk dress. A sly smile crawled on her lips at the thought of her seducing powers bewitching him, yet, why was her heart beating louder than the music downstairs? Could he hear it?

She caught a glimpse of Ahanay smirking, him hearing her loud heartbeats and shoving him away, snorting. "Enough wasting time here, let's go!"

She had to stretch her legs and take long leaps to match his strides, an exercise that proved to be difficult in that dress. By the time they arrived at the opulent hall with guests adorned in elegant dresses and suits, she felt like a sweaty, slippery eel in that dress. Huffing and puffing, she followed Ahanay to a group of men and women who smelled of money.

"Oh Ahanay, so long," an older woman spoke, pulling him close enough so their cheeks touched. Her eyes flickered to Naina and brightened. "Is she your wife? I expected her to be as beautiful as you and she doesn't disappoint me one bit." The woman immediately embraced Naina and the smell of money smudged her senses into a dream as if she was floating on the clouds. "You're that special woman who he chose to marry over all others! I want to know all about you."

"Special? Me? If you call poverty special, then hehehe---"

"She's indeed that," Ahanay intervened with a smile that was so genuine, Naina grew suspicious.

"I can see," the lady smiled back, turning her attention back on Naina and asking a million questions that ranged from her hobbies to her favourite food. Ahanay had separated from them as he began discussing with the men in the other corner of the room, all business-like. As Naina replied her hobby was to spit watermelon seeds on car windshields which amused the lady, her eyes never left his back, regretting not being by his side. She wanted to be a part of a business deal, not part of silly small talk. "You're madly in love with him, aren't you?"


"You cannot take your eyes away from him," the lady said, smiling and leaning closer to her. "I'm glad he married you and not the other girl. I never liked her. I like you better."

Before Naina could prod further about "the other girl," she noticed a familiar figure from the corner of her eye, snatching her dream-like trance away faster than a lightning bolt. "One second, sorry, I-I need to go."

The figure of her ex-best friend sneaking something in the glass of champagne as he strode coolly towards her husband led Naina to sprint across the hall as fast as she could, her thoughts racing faster than her. What the fuck did Ohas put in that glass? It couldn't be boogers, it had to be poison! He had promised to kill him, that was his entire purpose for coming here. No, no, no, he couldn't do that! At least, not now! It was way too early!

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