Chapter 29 : The Marital Bliss

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Naina flew with the blanket that Ahanay pulled and dusted off with force, making her tumble onto the floor. "Ouch! Where did you learn this loving way to wake up your wife?"

"Get up," he ordered, crouching down and flicking her forehead as if her head was a coconut and he was testing it before buying. Then came, one hard flick. "Get up!"

"You know, you're one flick away from domestic abuse. Now, move away!" She fired back, headbutting his index finger. "I'll get up whenever the hell I want to." Before she could put her head down on the floor and go back to sleep, he held her head up, again with that damn finger against her forehead. "I swear, I'll break it! Next time you won't dare to wake me up!"

"Where were you last night?"

Naina had prepared all the way back home to answer this question, she had practiced innocent facial expressions on the rear-view mirror of Ohas' motorbike, but why did her face contort to the extent that Ahanay would not only suspect her but believe that she suffered from digestion issues?

"I went to the mall with your nephew---" she barely completed the sentence when Ahanay held her chin, tipping it up to meet his eyes. "I-swear-to-God!"

"You don't seem religious," he said, his dark eyes deathly as he inspected her face. "Do you know what was going in my mind when I heard what you were up to? Do you know how much I wanted to not believe what I heard? Yet, you proved me wrong."

Being so close to him at his mercy and seeing his anger and disappointment stare back at her, made her nervous. So she quickly climbed on the bed and faked a yawn. "Just talking to you makes me sleepy. I haven't rested for a long while."

"Why?" He sat next to her, his earlier intensity disappearing as fast as it had appeared. His hands were on either side of his body, not touching her. "What were you doing all night?"

"I slept here."

"Before that."

"Do I ask you about your day? Or night? No, right?" She snapped, losing patience to deal with his interrogation.

"Because I don't go around fucking other women," his tone suddenly changed, picking up all the aggression that was rising inside him.

Driven by her hurt pride at his tone, Naina scrambled to sit up and barked back, "I don't fuck other women either."

"This isn't a joke, Naina," he said, trying to calm his voice, but his eyes were still menacing. "You were out there with some thug the entire day, dragging my nephew with you all along. What if something bad happened to my nephew? Would that fucking thug take responsibility or you!"

"How did you know he was a thug? I mean, he wasn't," she lied, clicking her honest tongue in regret. "He's my best friend." She clicked her tongue again, noticing the fury agonizing Ahanay's dark eyes. "I mean, anyway, the point is that nothing happened to your nephew so we're good."

"He told me your fucking friend had a gun!" He roared, bringing his face closer to Naina.

"That was a toy gun."

"Don't. Lie," He warned and Naina had never seen him brimming with so much anger. One playful remark and she knew he would flip. So she kept quiet, struggling against the millions of thoughts racing in her mind that were competing to win over her tongue. "I don't care who the fuck you roam with, but you don't drag my nephew into it, do you understand?"

"Don't lie," she blurted out, mocking him mindlessly. Now that was out, she continued, "You do care about who I roam with or you wouldn't be cursing him this bad. You're jealous and you don't even realize it."

He scoffed, moving away from her. "Why would I be? And why should I care? You're used to thugs and guns, you can handle them."

"What do you mean I'm used to it?" It was her time to move closer to him, her pride taking over her body. She grabbed his arm, but he still wouldn't look at her. "Just because I come from a different background than your fancy shit doesn't mean my upbringing involved any of that. Ohas and I have never hurt anyone!"

"So that asshole's name is Ohas. Hmm."

"He's way better than you anyway. At least, he doesn't uproot people's lives," she spat out, using his arm to get out of the bed with deliberate force. Before she could storm out of the room as planned, having the last word, two strong arms impulsively wrapped around her waist and pulled her down to his lap.

"Do you like him?" He asked, his voice harsh and husky, yet his hold was gentle as if he held a delicate flower. Naina was far from that, but she enjoyed feeling precious. Not like a flower, but the "handle with care" boxes at the airport. Something exclusively shiny and delightful.


"Liar." He said, bringing his hand and placing it on her heart that was hammering wildly to get out and escape this burst of sensations. His cheeks were brushing against hers, his hair deliciously tickling her. He was so warm and hard against her that she leaned back, nearly resting her head on his broad shoulders. His voice suddenly dropped in volumes and volumes till it felt like he was speaking from a distance. From a thought that was kept locked away and far from his mind. "Remember our first day of marriage when you did this to me to prove that you have power over me?"

"You were butt-naked," she recalled, an image of his nakedness flashing in her mind and making her go still in his arms.

"I knew that I had married a mad woman. Your world which is right here---" he tapped her heart, not letting go. "---took over mine by a storm. I was your prisoner all this while and no matter how hard I tried to free myself of you, I couldn't. You have captured me whole, Naina. I..." He stopped himself, his voice shaky as he let go of her. Taking in a frustrated breath, he said in a steady and commanding voice, "Go."

"W-What?" She stuttered, but that wasn't directed toward him. It was towards the world, what in the world had just happened? She felt swept away by some enigmatic force and struggled to stand on her own two feet, to bring herself back to reality. The reality of his affair, his child, her house. . .

Ahanay didn't want to repeat himself, so he stood up to leave.

"No wait! Where are you-you going? What the hell was that?"

"Nothing. Just stay from him and don't drag my nephew anywhere."

"But---hey!" Before she could squeeze more information out of him, he left.

Was that a cry for help or a love confession? She could never tell.

* * *


Team Ohas or Team Ahanay?

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